Free Essays on Ideal Living Space

  1. Space and Light by Katherine Sorrell

    SPACE AND LIGHT by Katherine Sorrell Living virtually a hostel life in a small apartment in the metropolis of Karachi I cannot emphasize enough; the Importance of light and space planning. Especially when the space you have chosen for yourself, be it a house, an office or a retail shop, is small in...

  2. Artistic Representation of Renaissance Ideals

    art.” This is particularly true to the Renaissance era, a period in which classicism, individualism, humanism and secularism flourished. These main ideals of the Renaissance are best represented through its artistic achievements, by such individuals as Michelangelo, Leonardo de Vinci, Palestrina, and...

  3. Poetic Space Structures

    been considered worthy of comment before the mid nineteenth century. Yet, "the Gothic" becomes instrumental in introspection, in organizing symbolic space structures and in narrative development. Wuthering Heights displays an even more daring mixture of romantic and realistic elements. No one had dared...

  4. Rethinking the Space of Civil Society in Singapore

    Moving Beyond the OB Markers: Rethinking the Space of Civil Society in Singapore Lenore Lyons James Gomez Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, Volume 20, Number 2, October 2005, pp. 119-131 (Article) Published by Institute of Southeast Asian Studies DOI: 10.1353/soj.2005.0015 For...

  5. The Spleen and Ideal of Paradise: the True Modern Condition in Mid-Nineteenth Century Paris

    The Spleen and Ideal of Paradise: The True Modern Condition in Mid-Nineteenth Century Paris In every modern city there are two opposite sides of character that battle against the other constantly leading the inhabitants of the metropolis. Charles Baudelaire has identified these dialectical qualities...

  6. Job Search

    are considered when choosing the ideal job, which are the economic and the intellectual incomes. One side is the economic incomes. People depend on work as a source of money. They work to earn money. The ideal job must provide good salaries so it will provide good living to the workers. Another side is...

  7. The Thinkers' Ideal States-- a Contrast of Confucius & Plato

    The Thinkers' Ideal states -- A Contrast of Confucius & Plato Written by Hong Xiaoming Confucius and Plato were two cultural giants standing on the top of ancient eastern civilization...

  8. Defensive Space

    ownership of these objects. This being so there are many factors which contribute to the upkeep on items which are acquired. Oscar Newman’s Defensive Space Study along with CPTED protocol ( Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design gives further insight as to how housing quarters should be built in...

  9. An ideal Teacher

    The ideal teacher is creative, insightful, informative, and encourages students to solve their problems through deductive reasoning. In my life I have had several teachers of all different types. I've been lucky enough to have people to teach me about life, and general living strategy, as well as traditional...

  10. Marshall Mcluhan

    writes: ‘Today, after more than a century of electric technology, we have extended our central nervous system in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned’ (1964: p.3). Like much of McLuhan's writing this statement is vast and poetic, with its strength of conviction...

  11. field

    field describes a space of propagation, of effects. It contains no matter or material points, rather functions, vectors and speeds. It describes local relations of difference within fields of celerity, transmission or of careering points.” This was stated by Sanford Kwinter, in 1986, living in New York. It...

  12. Living in Dorm and Living in Your House

    rTOPIC: Living in dormitory and living in your house. Up to now, there are two places that have had a profound impact in my life. They are home and dormitory which I am living in now. When you compare them, they seem dramatically different places, but they have something in common and I love them...

  13. Assisted Living

    Assisted Living Center Assisted Living Center An Introduction to Assisted Living Strategy When proposing an idea aimed at helping or caring for the elderly, there are literally thousands of considerations to be made in every arena of the venture. The purpose and goal of this proposed assisted...

  14. A Dream House of the House on Mango Street

    the narrator moves from house to house, in order to find the perfect house to fit the entire family. In searching for the ideal house, the family finds their identity by living in each house, and searching for an upgrade for their next house. The narrator believes that in each house her family moves...

  15. enyzme

    has many strands of fear and hope that snarl and converge at several points in time and space. We clear the forest and the mountains of the land. We cross the river and the wind. We harness wild beast and living steel. We celebrate labor, wisdom, peace of the soul. When our crops are burned or plowed...

  16. Concept & Service

    building and produces a more pleasant and healthier living or working environment. Collecting solar energy for space and water heating An active solar thermal system relies on solar collectors to transform sunlight into heat that can be used for space heating or more commonly to produce hot water....

  17. A Comparative Analysis in Social Housing

    Trust several prices, including a RIBA award, being described by the judges as “powerful and uncompromising…a very well considered ambience for urban living…”[4] Priory Green Estate Kings Cross, London N1 [pic] Fig 1. View of principal block History As a modern architect, Berthold Lubetkin believed...

  18. The Ideal School: How One Small Symbol of Punctuation Can Change Lives

    Hello, and thank you everyone for this opportunity to voice my thoughts about the ideal of inclusion. I am happy to join you today. I hail from Syracuse, NY where I am a freshman in college. I have been fortunate to be included for my entire school career. The idea of school inclusion can be as a lousy...

  19. Utopian World

    dictionary defines as: "having impossibly ideal conditions especially social organization; a place of ideal perfection in laws, government, and social conditions." Every person has their own idea of an ideal community of perfection, but one that I believe could be an ideal community would be life in the society...

  20. A Space Odyssey or a Regret?

    Space Odyssey or a Regret? The great canine cosmonaut, Laika was launched for the space mission in the Sputnik 2 on November 3, 1957. The world had already witnessed the launch of world's first satellite, Sputnik 1 in October 1957. These series of events soon gained worldwide popularity as they were...

  21. Culture and the Effects of Culture to Our Society

    intersection of knowledge, media, space and mobility internationally. The culture is that part of the environment, which has rights himself workmanship represented in the ideas and ideals, knowledge and beliefs, skills and ways of thinking, habits and ways of living of individuals and their stories...

  22. tualisation of Body of Widows in Moth Eaten Howdah of Tusker

    Krishna Bora 1324134 MEL 434 Shobana P. Mathews Ritualisation of Body of Widows in Moth Eaten Howdah of Tusker Introduction In any cultural space today, if we have a closer look at the how it functions, what holds people of the culture together, and what is the basis of their subjectivity and...

  23. Microscope in Space

    Nichole Kulas SC300-05AU Microscope in Space The biggest obstacle for proving the phantom black hole is the fact that it is literally invisible. A black hole gives off no light, not even slightly. The other big issue is how small the hole actually is. Even though black holes have such...

  24. Living with Happy People

    Happy Country Having a happy country means living with the happy people. Happy Country is my ideal place to live where all the people are my friends and enemies seems just don't exist. It is My ideal Vacation place where you can't bring your problems in. Happy Country is the ultimate goal of every Nation...

  25. Expository

    a dog. People who have small living quarters or less time for pet care should appreciate these characteristics of cats. However, many people who have plenty of space and time still opt to have a cat because they love the cat personality. In many ways, cats are the ideal house pet. Why would someone have...

  26. Renunciation and Asceticism in Jain and Buddhist Traditions an Alternative for Radical Living

    RENUNCIATION AND ASCETICISM IN JAIN AND BUDDHIST TRADITIONS An Alternative for Radical Living The world today is quite complex with its multifarious human contact and social dynamism. Fixing the goal with maximum production within limited time, the consequent business and labour stress is the day-to-day...

  27. Kaka

    the next century? 16. ‘We should treat animals just as we treat human beings’: to what extent do you agree or disagree? 17. Space travel is a waste of money. 18. The ideal school. 19. Tourism '' good or bad? 20. Television is making society more violent. 21. Everyone should play a sport! 22. Careers...

  28. Ideal Place to Live in

    IndiBest Answer - Chosen by Voters Happy Country Having a happy country means living with the happy people. Happy Country is my ideal place to live where all the people are my friends and enemies seems just don't exist. It is My ideal Vacation place where you can't bring your problems in. Happy Country is...

  29. Space Exploration

    federal funding for space exploration and NASA towards the end of the year. The “Space Race” began in the 1950’s and 1960’s when Russia sent up the first successful, unmanned satellite named Sputnik into outer space. The U.S. response was the creation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)...

  30. Major Themes Symbols Wild Duck

    of the most famous plays of Henrik Ibsen. It seemed to contradict one of the principal doctrines, which Ibsen had been preaching: the importance of ideals and the sin of compromise. The major theme of the play is realism vs. idealism. From the very first act, the antagonism between the two concepts...

  31. Communication with the Dead in Ancient Egypt

    the Dead and the Living” For centuries, civilizations have been plagued by questions surrounding death: What happens to people after they die? Where do they go? What role do they play? In many cultures, the realm of the dead is quite removed and distinct from the realm of the living; however, the Ancient...

  32. TCP1

    training. They will be isolated from the world for a few months every two years in groups of four in simulation facilities, to learn how they respond to living in close quarters while isolated from all humans except for the three crew members. In addition to the expertise and work experience they must already...

  33. Cohabitation verses Living Apart

    Cohabitation verses Living Apart Love. When people think of love they think of roses and everything romantic. In reality there are so many parts to a relationship that most people don’t like talking about much less thinking about. A huge major decision that has to be made has to be when you should...

  34. Hummanity

    repercussion of urbanization expanding and the standard of living improving? (pp.561) The middle and upper class enjoyed unprecedented prosperity and leisure, while misery mounted among the urban working class. Urban slums grew more crowded and living conditions worsened, labor unions thrived, along with...

  35. Hijacking Natures Torturous Evolution of our Species

    intelligent human life grows increasingly immense. So how do we take over the evolution of ourselves in a more humane way? How do we reach the ideal of understanding ourselves enough in order to help ourselves become healthier and more intelligent, faster and more efficiently? There has to be a better...


    Chaucer’s reflection of his married life. This might also present as the ideal state in the mind of the wife of Bath. In renaissance age women in the upper class enjoy freedom and admiration to a large extent, however, most women living in feudal era lead miserable lives in the East and West alike. InVietnamese...

  37. midnight's children

    wherein it also marks the major historical events in the history of India. The country’s identification with the self, resonance of tumult within their spaces and embodiment of the nation in the self remains central to the novel, which I aim to establish. Saleem Sinai, the protagonist of the novel, is born...

  38. Unpredicatble brother

    companions. People who have small living quarters or less time for pet care should appreciate these characteristics of cats. However, many people who have plenty of space and time still opt to have a cat because they love the cat personality. In many ways, cats are the ideal housepet....

  39. Space Habitat

    SPACE HABITAT DESIGN PLANET: MARS Executive Summary: We have chosen Mars, the fourth planet from the sun in the inner solar system as an appropriate host for our project. It would be a hybrid idea in which large maneuverable spaceships would be manufactured and sent to Mars where they...

  40. Healthy Living

    waste than any other living creature on earth. We are a nation of producers and consumers. If something is not done to stop this crisis of global warming and destroying our natural resources, generations from now will not be able to live the lifestyles today’s society has. Living “green” and converting...

  41. Space Race Affect Cold War

    The space race was an important aspect of the Cold War. Both the Soviet Union and the United States wanted to prove who the superior superpower was. Each had launched satellites with varying degrees of success until the U.S had ultimately landed on the moon.The space race was more than just space exploration...

  42. Analysis of Slim

    view of all charcters. Through Steinbeck’s use of adjectives like ‘tall’, ‘lean’ and ‘delicate’ the reader feels inclined to see Slim as the masculine ideal. He wears a ‘Stetson hat’ and ‘blue jeans’ which was the typical fashion of the time. Furthermore when the reader firsts meets him he is combing his...

  43. Tickle Me Elmo

    distal portion of the abdominopelvic cavity 9. Pleural- a subdivision of the thorax 10. Spinal- the space inside the spinal column through which the spinal cord passes 11. Thoracic- the space referred to as your chest cavity 12. Control Center- ex. As the thermostat, it compares the actual temperature...

  44. Space Race

    Caldwell, Chandler Davidson, 6R, Period 5 11 March 2008 Space Race Is the United States of America able to land a man on the moon and return him safely to earth? The astronauts of Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, and Michael Collins, believed that they could (Apollo Project). On July...

  45. Extraterrestrial Life

    Introduction Is there life in outer space? The fascination of intelligent life other than ourselves has led to many studies and theories. With recent discoveries about the universe, the idea of intelligent life has become even more intriguing. The implications of proving life exists on other planets...

  46. not a good paper

    that can affect the accessibility of a shop is if it has parking spaces nearby, how many other shops are in the area and how many busses run through the area. Danyal’s is currently placed on School Road which does not have many parking spaces available close by, however does have one car park nearby. It...

  47. Analysis of a Pornographic Space

    Analysis of a Pornographic Space: By Jimmy Le z3252001 The space that I have chosen to analyse is the black and white photographic darkroom. Through my experience in the darkroom I have come to the conclusion that it is a pornographic space due to three main aspects of it. My first point is the...

  48. Place as a Space

    A bedroom is more often than not, more than a just a place to sleep. As is the case in the bedroom which I will examine, this space allows numerous everyday practices to take place. The bedroom under scrutiny is just one of the 108 identical rooms within my college to which I call my own. Geographically...

  49. Ecconomic Development

    expanding markets. However, according to Gaynor (2004), “an HR generalist is accountable for recruiting and staffing logistics, organizational and space planning, performance and improvement system management, employment and compliance to regulatory concerns and reporting, employee orientation, development...

  50. Architecture Modernism

    what is understood to be the three-dimensional planning of spaces as opposed to ‘Pan-Stacking.’ Adolf Loos Emphasized the heights to each room according to their function, other, especially when the shift from public space to private space occurs. The Exterior is a simple, white cubic, façade that...

  51. Chicago environmental justice

    the food that they grow. While using raised beds is a good idea, getting rid of all of the brownfields would be even better and open up so much more space and opportunity for more community gardens. Working together as a community and being involved does so much for the city, such as bringing the community...

  52. Analysis of An Ideal Husband

    Independent Reading Analysis SECTION ONE: Background Info An Ideal Husband – Oscar Wilde Genre: play Historical period: Victorian Era Protagonist: Sir Robert Chiltern is a well-liked politician that becomes blackmailed by Laura Cheveley by an insider trading scandal involving the Suez Canal....

  53. The Ideal Anti-Bias Classroom

    The Ideal Anti-Bias Classroom I will never forget the day I visited my son's preschool classroom. His preschool classroom did not reflect an Anti-bias toward genders, cultures or disabilities. They were many non-majority items in his classroom: an African American doll, a picture of a handicapped...

  54. Space Program and Business in India

    Space Program and Business in India – Legal Perspectives Shashi Sharma* Table of Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………..1 I. The National Space Program of India………………………………………………. 2 A. Background …………………………………………………………………… 2 B. International treaties and agreements applicability...

  55. Language of Color

    Certain colors in these categories also have an impact on one’s mood. For example, the color red gives a room energy. Usually, red is used in the living room or dining room as a way to bring people together and encourage conversation. The color red also increases one’s appetite. That is why a lot...

  56. Sustainable Architecture (Bpo)

    in the hottest of climates, as well as reviving older, forgotten strategies. GREEN BUILDING DESIGN Smaller is better. Optimize use of interior space with good design so that the overall building size and resource use in constructing and operating it are kept to a minimum. Design an energy-efficient...

  57. American Dream

    Chasing A Dream While Living A Nightmare There are different points of views of the lifestyle that people have when it comes to living in Los Angeles. There are those views of the people who have been living in Los Angeles for most of their lives, and there are the views of the outsiders whom come...

  58. World War Z

    distance to: Mason Gross, Cook, Douglass, Train Station and downtown New Brunswick. Also close to Route Public bus at the next corner. Living Room, kitchen with dishwasher, washer, dryer available, storage, yard. This is a great location in a quite and safe neighborhood. Small dog...

  59. The First Modern Sociological Thinkers

    Weber uses two ideal types that do not necessarily exist but are types to base around study. The first ideal type is historical which deals with looking at past examples of what is being studied and choosing characteristics that stands out to explain the topic. Classificatory ideal types are based...

  60. The Ruler of an Empire

    conquering Kalinga in 262 BCE. In this way he unified nearly all of India under his rule. He converted to Buddhism in 260 BCE and thenceforth propagated ideals of tolerance, equality, and public service. After his conversion, Asoka promulgated the main ethical teachings of the Buddha, expressed in what...