Free Essays on Problems In Antigone

  1. Five Antigone Essays

    Feminism Criticism Sophocles play Antigone is a play featuring the idea that men are more dominant over women. In his play Sophocles writes about the struggles women endure during ancient Greek times to give a sense of sympathy toward the main character. Sophocles makes male characters in his play...

  2. How Is Reputation, Honour and Respect Portrayed and What Is Their Significance in the Plays, Antigone and Uncle Vanya?

    ASSIGNMENT 1: COMPARATIVE STUDY How is reputation, honour and respect portrayed and what is their significance in the plays, Antigone and Uncle Vanya? Let me begin this essay by outlining the connection between reputation, honour and respect. The reputation of a character is made clear through...

  3. Antigone Essay

    tragic hero in Antigone? Obviously since the play is called Antigone many people would assume that it is Antigone, but with Creon being so dominate in the play and Antigone being gone for the last third of the play is it really Antigone or is it Creon? When the play first opens you see Antigone and Ismene...

  4. How the Characters Strength of Spirit Creates the Climax in Death and the Maiden and Antigone

    Antigone, Jean Anouilh’s main character in her epic retelling of Antigone is the girl who defied a king, and in doing so showed extreme courage and force of will to accept her fate, even in the face of her ideals being sundered. Paulina, the main character in Ariel Dorfman’s death and the maiden is...

  5. Antigone

    CC    CLASSICAL GREEK TRAGEDY        Sophocles  ANTIGONE SOPHOCLES (496?-406 B.C.) Antigone An English Version by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald Person Represented ANTIGONE ISMENE EURYDICE CREON HAIMON TEIRESIAS A SENTRY A MESSENGER CHORUS SCENE: Before the Palace of...

  6. Antigone Overview

    The Chorus introduces the group of actors. Antigone is a girl who will rise up alone and die young. Haemon, Antigone's fiancé, chats with Ismene, Antigone’s sister. Though one would have expected Haemon to go for Ismene, he inexplicably proposed to Antigone on the night of a ball. Creon father of Haemon...

  7. Antigone Analysis

    King, when no other woman had done so before? In Sophocles’ Antigone, Antigone, whose actions are primarily influenced by her brothers, reveals a strong-willed and courageous nature brought about by the conflicting new King of Thebes. Antigone displays courage and strong willpower through the risky actions...

  8. Antigone

    One of the conflicts in Antigone, is the struggle between men and women. Ismene tells Antigone that since birth, women “were not born to contend with men,” (75) displaying women’s obedience and passivity. In the same passage, Ismene says: “we’re underlings, ruled by stronger hands,” (76) a representation...

  9. Antigone feminism critique

    Antigone: Feminism Feminism has been around long before literature. Feminism goes hand in hand with the women's right movement. Feminism has become more and more popular in themes throughout literature, although women have more rights nowadays than they did before. Antigone a character from Greece...

  10. Huck Finn's Moral Development

    story, and is usually the good guy. An antagonist is the character in a story that tries to cause many problems or conflicts with the main character. In this tragedy “Antigone”, the protagonist is Antigone. She is the main character of the story that is trying to do the good or right thing. But she is conflicted...

  11. Creon the Tragic Hero

    in the day. In the story Antigone, Creon does not listen to no one so he ends up losing all his family. He loses his wife and kids which to Creon its his world. Since he’s the new king of Thebe, he does not listen to nobody. The tragic hero of the story, Sophocles’ Antigone, translated by Ian Johnson...

  12. Antigone

    In Antigone, Creon is the tragic hero. The reason I think so is obvious if you look at the type of person he was and the way he died. Throughout the story Creon displays the four tragic hero characteristics. He displayed high character traits, a vital hero trait. Creon had what I would call a god complex...

  13. Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem

    either small numbers or all of humanity. Reaction to “Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem” by Erich Fromm January 15, 2009 — The article “Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem” by Erich Fromm mainly concerns the ways in which disobedience helps society. He does mention a few...

  14. Analysis of Oedipus Trilogy

    play. The play begins with Oedipus, old and frail after years of wandering in exile. The former king is lead into an Athenian grove by his daughter Antigone where the two intend to rest. The pair is then approached by a subject of Theseus, king of Athens. The subject declares that the land they rest upon...

  15. Sophocles Antigone

    Sophocles Antigone In 441 B.C. Sophocles wrote Antigone, a play that took place in Thebes, the day after the battle. Antigone was originally acted by only men and the audience consisted of male citizens and the gods. The occasion was a religious festival to Dionysus, the god of wine. The Universal...

  16. Sophocles Antigone Steadfast Love and Sexuality

    Sophocles's Antigone: Steadfast Faith and The Sexuality of a Woman Sophocles's Antigone¸ is a great Greek tragedy, a beautifully written play and an universal play. Marriage, bearing of children and their sexuality were the few things that a woman in Ancient Greece had control of. Women...

  17. Antigone Essay

    Sydney Siva 9/23/13 Honors English 2 Period 1 Power Becoming Burdensome in Jean Anouilh’s Antigone One aspect of today’s society that many people do not take the time to recognize is the true strength that the leaders of our world must have, the pressure they carry, and the uncertainty they must...

  18. Comparisons Between Antigone and Creon

    Comparisons between Antigone and Creon One book in the Greek trilogy written by Sophocles is Antigone and contains two key characters, Antigone and Creon. Antigone and Creon are incredibly similar. Antigone and Creon are extremely independent people. Creon doesn't mind acting alone without anyone's...

  19. Antigone and Drawer Boy

    Antigone first demonstrates feminist logic when she chooses to challenge a powerful male establishment. This establishment is personified by her uncle Creon, who is newly crowned as the King of Thebes. Creon poses to be a major authority figure in a patriarchal society. Creon's regard for the laws of...

  20. The Play Antigone

    Cassandra Howery World Literature I: From the Ancient World to the Middle Ages Week 2 Assignment 2 The play Antigone, written by Sophocles, is one of tragedy. It centers on the heroine Antigone and what happens when she tries to bury her brother, Polyneices, even though the King Creon, has clearly decreed...

  21. Aristotelian Perspectives in Sophocles’ Antigone

    Antigone is tragedy written by the Greek playwright Sophocles written in or before 441 BC. It is the third of the three Theban plays: Oedipus the King, Oedipus of Colonus, and Antigone. Although Aristotle wrote the "Poetics" in 350 B.C. almost 100 years after Antigone was written, his ideas and thoughts...

  22. antigone

    to his attempt to change his fate, the modern audience does not fear a similar downfall due to extreme allegiance to the state. Therefore, the play Antigone does not completely fulfill Aristotle’s claim. Pity is evoked for the tragic hero Creon, because he has a change of heart that comes too late...

  23. Antigone, Sophocles. Essay

    Half Page Summaries Antigone: -During Antigone, Sophocles uses imagery to make a better picture for the readers to show man’s selfishness and ignorance. For example, he says “a grave is cold, dark, enclosed and there is no way to escape it. Just like the grave is to a corpse, so is death to Creon...

  24. Antigone

    Antigone Persuasive Essay “She or I, if this is crime goes unpunished? / Sister’s child, or more than sister’s child, / or closer yet in blood,” says Creon, accusing the person who disobeys his law no matter who she is(Antigone. 1. 2. line 95-97). Creon, the new king of Thebes, makes a new law that...

  25. The Importance of Family: an Argument in Sophocles’ Antigone

    of its citizens (Class Notes). The rule that Sophocles bases the play, Antigone, is to give those who have died a proper burial. This rule proves to be controversial as the subject of family is interpreted. In Sophocles’ Antigone, familial arguments are made through a variety of characters. Arguments...

  26. Antigone, Unseen Redemption

    or a god, you are expected by the people underneath your power to be strong and to stand by your own rules and regulations. In the Greek tragedy, Antigone, Creon, a powerful king, ultimately becomes a catastrophic figure. He makes the mistake of putting his thoughts above the divine laws, putting the...

  27. Ehh Blah Blah

    sentences are identical, you are not adding any new information to your work, and the reader will be annoyed. Example – Too different: relevance not clear Antigone‟s motivation is family duty, even if it means death. She must rebel which will cause an uproar - the consequences don‟t matter to her. This would...

  28. Leadership in Literature and the Modern World

    being straightforward in their motive and intention, Caesar’s leaders chose to conceal their way of thinking in order to achieve their goals. In Antigone, Creon is able to utilize his position of power by influencing his people in order to attain his undisclosed intentions, quite similarly to Brutus...

  29. What What

    conditions would be very extreme. I mean, it has to be a very specific... Save Paper * Disobedience and Moral Problem," is written by Erich Fromm and in his 1963 essay Fromm argues that obedience is the virtue and disobedience the vice. (Fromm 403). Fromm sees disobedience...

  30. Study Guide

    can also drive us on." b. This view of conscience I defend is nothing new; it’s roots are ancient. In one of the tragedies of Sophocles, the woman Antigone seeks to give her dead brother a proper burial, but is forbidden by the king because her brother was an enemy of the state. She replies to the tyrant...

  31. A Story to Be Told and a Lesson to Be Learned

    In every Greek Tragedy, there's a story to be told and a lesson to be learn. In "Antigone", I believe that the chorus represents the god’s constant reminders that humans upon making their own decisions will have to live with the consequences. The chorus is the constant voice within this play to...

  32. Aristotle's Concept of Catharsis

    such as fear or pity to help in attaining the didactic goal of learning from other’s errors. This is exemplified in famous Greek tragedies such as Antigone and The Persians. Despite Aristotle’s call for human beings to profess emotions in the face of pain and suffering in understanding human nature as...

  33. Shsh

    against the killing of Antigone and conflicted with his father many times, verbally. This can be seen when he threatens his father with the line “Then she'll die… but her death will kill another.” Haemon’s character can be seen as to represent a barrier of some sort that shields Antigone from Creon’s wrath...

  34. Dont Know

    their laws and does not want to upset them. This is because the gods have a higher hand of power and they would make Antigone pay the penalty for violating these laws. For example, Antigone is aware that she will be put to dead even if her brother was not buried. During Antigone's trial, she is not worried...

  35. Justice

    also see this present in the two texts, the “Apology” and “Antigone.” I will now look to analyze the characteristics as presented in each and the outcome of whether we can honestly say justice had been achieved or not. Socrates and Antigone both felt passionately of one’s divine rights and displayed...

  36. English Paper Doc

    Hubris One of the many main ideas of the play Antigone, written by Sophocles, is the idea of hubris. The great struggle throughout the play of hubris is shown enormously through the characters Antigone and King Creon. The idea of hubris, and the necessity of it, is shown perfectly through the governing...

  37. Law and Readon

    derived from reason, and only through reason, can laws be just. When comparing the two Creon characters to one another (in Sophocles’s Antigone and in Anouilh’s Antigone), it is apparent that both rule with a lack of reason and therefore would be considered tyrants in the eyes of both Aristotle and Aquinas...

  38. Creon Persuasion Paper

    most cases someone that uses persuasion is calm and open-mined but is also still set on the goal they want to achieve. Sophocles, the author of Antigone creates a character similar to this which is Creon. Creon’s language that was used to persuade throughout the play was very effective even once it...

  39. Napoleon

    In “Antigone” by Sophocles, morality is a reoccurring theme which presents itself as the determinate for many characters’ fates. Throughout the entire play, we see the characters going through many internal conflicts, struggling to either appease the law of the land or to do what they believe is truly...

  40. Most Tragic Hero

    In the stories of “Antigone” by Sophocles and “Oedipus Rex”, there are many tragic heroes apparent in the events. Of those heroes in the two stories, Oedipus is well known for the suffering he received, trying to run away from fate in “Oedipus Rex”. In the other story “Antigone”, Creon is the tragic...

  41. Creon vs. Creon Compare and Contrast Essay

    King, Sophocles, the author, describes the journey of a man by the name of Oedipus to doom himself and those around him by trying to avoid fate. In Antigone, another work of Sophocles, one’s search of power and ruthlessness allows impudence to destroy those close to him. In both of these ancient and Greek...

  42. Is Creon Right to Deny Polynieces a Proper Burial?

    Creon is Right to Deny Polynieces a Proper Burial All human beings deserve dignity and respect both in life and death. In Sophocles’ Antigone, King Creon’s actions do not reflect this aphorism. Creon is wrong to deny Polynieces a proper burial. He defies God by leaving a carcass to rot. Also, familial...

  43. jot fleot

    revenge and at the time of the society man superior to law. For example, In Sophocles’ drama “Antigone”, Creon has forbidden others to burry Polyneices, citizens who do this will be sentenced to death. Antigone buried her brother and at last she was put to death. ...

  44. Creon

    ‘Creon is the Perfect Leader: Firm but Fair.’ How Far Do You Agree With This Statement? In Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’, Creon, the newly appointed King of Thebes, is depicted as being a strong willed and ruthless leader who’s actions are influenced by a need for order and a sense of morality to his state...

  45. Words of Literature

    humor (literally, humor when facing the hangman) Example: in Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal,” he grossly suggests the Irish solve their economic problems by either eating their children or sell them to be eaten by others. 37. Hyperbole: a figure of speech that uses an incredible exaggeration or overstatement...

  46. The Confusing Greek Social Order

    the Greek social order, the more confused I become. It is well known that woman are not given a high ranking in their society, especially the way Antigone was treated in Sophocles’ play. The most mysterious circumstance in their society is how many goddesses the Greeks worship, such as Athena the Goddesses...

  47. DBQ Essay

    ----------------------------------------------------------- Document 2: This is an excerpt from the play Antigone by Sophocles, written in about 441 B.C. In this play, Antigone defies the king’s order and buries her brother, who was killed leading a rebellion. Q: What...

  48. What Makes a Good Piece of Theatre?

    matters are resolved. In Antigone, the scene takes place in an open space before the royal palace; the time is at daybreak on the morning after the fall of the two brothers. Eteocles and Polyneices. Antigone’s sister Ismene is introduced as is Creon and his son Haemon. Antigone introduces the conflict...

  49. Numberless Are the World’s Wonders

    “Numberless are the world’s wonders”, but the most wonderful thing of all is man. In Sophocle’s Antigone, Ode 1, translated by Fitts and Fitzgerald, mentions how man can be powerful yet weak in the presence of gods. Like a train effect, without the submission of gods, there is no wisdom, and without...

  50. Oedipus

    killing him, that completes part one his destiny. And then when he breaks the curse of the kingdom and marries Jocasta and has his children Ismene and Antigone then part two of his destiny then becomes fulfilled. It’s as if no matter what he does he is doomed to complete all parts of destiny. And regardless...

  51. timeline

    for use as a dressing room for actors and chorus. 449 BC First acting competition for tragic actors at City Dionysia. 442-441 BC Sophocles writes Antigone. 431 BC Euripides writes plays with parts for up to 11 actors. 335-323 BC Aristotle’s Poetics sets the standards for tragedy. 200-160 BC Roman...

  52. Overview of Indian Literature

    enters, saying that Oedipus shall be taken into the house until oracles can be consulted regarding what is best to be done. Oedipus's two daughters, Antigone and Ismene, are sent out and Oedipus laments that they should be born to such a cursed family. He asks Creon to watch over them and Creon agrees,...

  53. Oedipus Rex Trial

    This marriage of Oedipus to Jocasta fulfill the prophecy. Oedipus and Jocasta have four kids: two sons (Eteocles and Polynices) and two daughters (Antigone and Ismene). Later in time, the Thebes repeatedly having major disasters, Oedipus send Creon to the oracle for guidance. Last, Oedipus heard horrible...

  54. Fate and Free Will

    Discussion of Tragedy. Amherst: Univer¬ sity of Massachusetts Press, 1981. Bernardete, Seth. Sacred Transgressions: A Reading of Sophocles' Antigone. South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press, 1999. Blundell, Mary Whitlock. Helping Friends and Harming Enemies: A Study in Sophocles...

  55. idkWHATTODO

    Observation. Personal Narrative, Place, Profile, Process, Proposal English Literature and Literary Analysis - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, A & P, Antigone, Apocalypse Now, Araby, The Awakening, Barn Burning, Beowulf, Beloved, Bible, Birthmark, Blade Runner, The Bluest Eye, Candide, Canterbury Tales,...

  56. Greek Theater

    role. He had psychologically complex characters, and his plays are calm and nobly tragic, expressing the “golden mean” of Greek philosophy. His play ‘Antigone’ is one of his best-known works, along with ‘Oedipus Rex’ and ‘Oedipus Colonus’. At the Athenian Dionysia, Sophocles is said to have won first prize...

  57. Things Fall Apart: Analysis

    while still retaining a large portion of (albeit private) humanity and emotion, allows for far less empathy than the noble and upright Oedipus and Antigone, who each followed a noble belief to its tragic denouement. In addition, Okonkwo believed that his chi played a great part in his life. When he...


    explained through dissection. Annually theatrical performances were held twice including drama, tragedy, action and comedy, among them- Sophocles’ Antigone. Lyre- a stringed instrument was used commonly in marriages, funerals, religious ceremonies, theatres and parties Building materials such...

  59. Mauritius

    Set texts for 2013 Section 1 1 Un barrage contre le Pacifique, Marguerite Duras 5 *Thérèse Desqueyroux, François Mauriac 6 2 Antigone, Jean Anouilh *La guerre de Troie n’aura pas lieu, Jean Giraudoux 3 Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, Molière 7 *Au nom du fils, Hervé Bazin ...

  60. Eras Communicate Together Through Oedipus

    blinded himself, he actually begs for Creon’s forgiveness, for Creon to exile him and for Creon to take care of his two young daughters, Antigone and Ismene. “Drive me out of the land at once, far from sight, where I can never hear a human voice.” (Sophocles, Ln. 1571-1572) This ...