Free Essays on The Most Horrifying Moment Of My Life

  1. my favourite film

    My favourite film Every day films of different kinds are shown on TV: touching melodramas, entertaining comedies, frightening horror, exciting action films, unforgettable thrillers, true- to- life historical films, educational documentaries. They are so various that can suit different tastes. Some films...

  2. The Most Important Person in My Life

    "With the daughter, life can ever, never,never be monotonous' Pame Brown I woke up at the morning after such a difficult night, strange for me fear and anxiety in my heart woke me up in that cold and overcast autumn day. I wanted to close my yeys and fall asleep, just forget about...

  3. best day of my life

    Where is my very emotional moment in my life? I plunged into my memories and spent many hours to determine those one day. And I came to the conclusion that the best day of my life was my birthday. Because from that moment, I started my life’s path. Life is given to a human for living it wisely. As the...

  4. Moment

    They say that life comes down to a few great moments. Often the key points of our lives pass by with stealth, leaving us to chase at shadows. We are left to question and evaluate the ebb and flow, the surges and phases of our existence. The times we felt lost. Times of love, sorrow, rebirth and injury...

  5. The Most Stressful and Horrible Moment of My Life

    however I was about face most stressful and horrible moment of my life. It was 6 months ago that my husband came to home around 2AM. I was surprised that he didn't call. I'm sure that he had some emergency. My husband looked tired so I didn't bother him at that moment. Few days later, he went...

  6. moments..

    My most precious moment Maunaf Al Ashi 110038737 Precious moments are one of the things that a person treasures and look back upon with a smile. They are the thoughts we value and hold dearly because they are just that precious. It’s important to capture every moment that passes us by so we will...

  7. the most embarrassing moment of my life

    Hands “Papa! When are we going to the restaurant?” is what I always asked my dad. Since I was a child, I had this unbridled appetite for tasting new food; Chinese Manchurian, sushi, biryani and ice cream were at the top of my list. “We will go if you promise to behave yourself!” he replied in a harsh...

  8. The Moment

    The moment. One second it's there then the next it's gone only to be replaced by another one. Something that many of us take for granted. Something that is often overlooked as we rush on to the next, and the one after that. The moment. Perhaps one of the most precious things we will ever have and yet...

  9. The Change of My Life

    I was a introvert boy in my high school because I studied hard but seldom got goodmarks. All my friends were only my classmates. I had everything is prepared for me by my family. However, an amazing change happened last year. I passed the university's entrance examination. I went to the university of...

  10. my boy

    is one of the most important and powerful things in my life. My life without melodies and harmonies would be totally empty. Listening to and playing different tunes helps me to de-stress, relax and it can also help to motivate me in trying times. I loved listening to music while on my way to school,...

  11. My Moment

    of the congratulatory music; I fixed my gold sash and yellow rose as I watched everyone walk down the aisle, some missing their steps and others beaming with smile, while the crowd went wild clapping. It was now my turn, the moment I had been waiting for all my life, heads help up high and with mouth grinning...

  12. Meand Life

    we are in some way unique. I am who I am through my joys, sorrows, heartbreaks, happiness and failures. Each step in my life and each moment that goes by make me who I am. In and around this bag are items that symbolize my potential and qualities. In my bag I have placed a cross and a shell with The...

  13. Constructing Himself and His Life Story

    Douglass Knowledge is power. Frederick Douglass through literacy constructs himself and his life story. He has the ability to stand outside of his experiences and is aware of his places and events in his life. Douglass is growing up and becoming a man physically and emotionally, innocence is being shed...

  14. Life Isn't About Waiting for the Storm to Pass

    Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass … I will no longer worry about yesterday. It is in the past and the past will never change. Only I can change by choosing to do so. I will no longer worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will always be there, waiting for me to make the most of it. But I...

  15. Live Each Moment for What It's Worth

    Erma Bombeck writes in “Live Each Moment for What It’s Worth,” about what she believes is an extraordinary philosophy that was introduced to her by a friend. This viewpoint is a “Seize the moment” outlook on life. Although the harshness of our unforgiving reality hits us on a daily basis, I try to live...

  16. My War-Life

    Essay My computer screen quickly fades away from focus and an odd chill shoots through my body like lighting. Time grinds to a stop. Soon a numb sensation takes over all my senses as I decipher the news that my unit will soon deploy to Iraq. Going home that day was difficult. Instead of my usual repetitive...

  17. My Story

    The One Who Influence Me Everyone has a diverse life style, a different approach to growing up and a unique but different personality. But then again with every difference there is a cause something that prepared you and turned you the way you are. It can involve with culture, background, heritage...

  18. The Moment

    The moment. One second it's there then the next it's gone only to be replaced by another one. Something that many of us take for granted. Something that is often overlooked as we rush on to the next, and the one after that. The moment. Perhaps one of the most precious things we will ever have and yet...

  19. Cherishing Every Moment of Life

    Creative Writing Buhler In my life I have known many people who have shiwn me the meaning of a dollrar and taught me to cherish every moment. I have nodded at all of them and even rolled my eyes a couple of times. I don’t think I ever realized how fragile human life is and how easily we could lose...

  20. My Journey to the Lighthouse

    My Journey To the Lighthouse In To the lighthouse, Woolf Virginia describes mainly two days in the life of an English family, the Ramsays with their close friends, and the interaction between them. She writes with exquisite fineness, by capturing each single moment and making it a grand epic. The...

  21. My life not my way

     My Life Not My Way I. What was your family like? A. Close B. The youngest of two C. Parents’ divorced father not around. II. What things do you remember about your childhood? A. The fun had in the country. B. The hard times we had to go through. C. Spending time...

  22. A Painful Moment

    Lauren Palfrey August 3, 2010 Hughes – ENG 1101 Essay 2 A Painful Moment On June 24, 1998, I was suppose to spend the week with my father; instead, I went to Louisville, Kentucky with my next door neighbor Jenna on vacation. She was going to visit her family in Kentucky and asked if I would like...

  23. Most Magical Place on Earth

    The Most Magical Place on Earth WR 121 | Disneyland, in Anaheim, California is a popular tourist destination. It boasts approximately 58 rides for children of all ages. But, it is not just the rides that create this enchanted world as you enter the gates. This place, separate from the real world...

  24. Jump Those Final Moments

    123 jump and those final moments Life is going comfortably why to take un- wanted risk. Is the rope capable of holding me down? Or am I luck to survive? did I forget to thanks to my love? Probably these are some thoughts come in mind before making final “BUNGEE”. Above all there is no chance to...

  25. The Person You Most Admire Is... Controlled Assessment

    The silence never seemed so deafening. Even though the church was overcrowded I had never felt so alone. I had just lost my best friend, my role model – my grandmother. She meant so much to me, more than you could ever imagine. The very presence of the simple wooden coffin being brought down the aisle...

  26. An Unforgettable Incident in My Life

    AN UNFORGETTABLE INCIDENT IN MY LIFE Childhood is a very impressionable period in one’s life. One incident of my childhood is indelibly imprinted in my mind. From the time I was in standard V, my father was very particular that I should not only study my lessons but also participate in extra-curricular...

  27. how my mom influenced me

    I'm sure that this is not the most surprising or unique response, but when thinking of the person who has had the most significant influence on me, the name comes quickly: Mom. She hasn't had a significant influence on me simply because she raised me, but because of the circumstances she did it under...

  28. Extra Credit 12/01/13

    doesn't receive it from whom they deem the most important then it would be natural that they would seek it elsewhere. Lac Su, author of the memoir I Love Yous are for White People, sat alone on the stage of the Main Theater and shared quietly and candidly about his life as a Vietnamese refugee seeking love...

  29. Strategic Management in Life

    Anyone’s life will depend upon how well it is planned strategically. A well crafted plan will give us the task cut out and will guide us towards our destiny. I would like to cut my plan for the next 10 years into two parts one is a short term for next 3 years and the plan for the next 7 years being...

  30. Worst Day of My Life - Paper

    Worst Day of My Life Think about the most terrifying scream you have ever heard, now intensify that by about a million times; that is the scream I was woken up by at about 6:50 in the morning on April 23rd. This scream was coming from outside. When I realized it was my mother screaming… my heart dropped...

  31. Personal Experience That Affected My Education

    The life of a typical high school student is characterized by time spent studying, attending class, and socializing with peers. Throughout my high school years I spent most of my time focusing on my social life, which included being a cheerleader, having a boyfriend, and the unending cycle of who is...

  32. The Most Memorable Day of My Life

    The most memorable day of my life was, September 4, 1995 in Chicago, IL. It was 6:00 a.m. when my alarm clock woke me up. The first day of high school was finally here. I was excited, but a lot more nervous. I got out of bed, got ready, and then was on my way to the bus stop. All I could think of is...

  33. My Life - Joseph Del Valle Galauran

    What is this you ask? It’s my project in English a seemingly bleak autobiography at best. I’m Joseph Del Valle Galauran, now that I think about it my name is just so simple it’s not that I hate it, but I could’ve at least have had a second name. So comes the tedious parts; I live at Quezon City, born...

  34. Life Outside

    Life Outside of What You Know In July 2010 I had the best vacation of my entire life. It only takes one moment of sight to take someone’s breath away. It may be beautiful to come, but not quite as much to t others. I believe that the most beautiful place in the world is Aquaba, Jordan. Experiencing...

  35. Life in the Fast Lane

    mandatory that you use these aids at the right moments. Timing is essential, because if you use the enhancing items incorrectly you lose valuable speed while Mario is coming up quickly on your tail. While it may sound somewhat strange, I have learned ways to live life more productively by playing the thrilling...

  36. My Second Chance

    My Second Chance “There are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road you’re on.”- [From the song ‘Stairway to Heaven‘ by Led Zeppelin] We all have done something in our lives to where we look back and wonder, “What was I thinking?” What I didn’t consider...

  37. Leguizi my neezie

    24, 2014 My Job There are many jobs out there that people put there own lives in danger in order to protect other people. These jobs maybe the Army, Police office, and, maybe even a security guard at a elementary school to protect kids from harm. My job is far less dangerous from...

  38. A Life Well Spent

    Personal Essay “A Life Well Spent” When the topic of my grandfather comes up, I noticed a number of stares wandering off into odd directions, with most settling back on me with fright.  I’m not the sort for flowery sentiments, but then again, neither was granddad.  We shared this mutual irreverence...

  39. Life Altering Moment

    Ever since I was young, all I can remember is my grandmother being there for me. After school I would run out to the playground where my grandmother was sitting, waiting for me to get out of class. My whole life, my grandmother was there to help me with life lessons such as manners, history, and other...

  40. My Quote

    because it symbolizes my everyday life. I sometimes have no faith in myself and I start to think negative about life. I always think of this quote because it helps me keep my head held high and want to achieve my goals. I never knew how brave I was until I was put in a situation with my sick grandfather....

  41. My Someone.. Oops.. the Someone

    privilege to call him 'my' someone since I DO NOT OWN HIM!!! Why such thing on Caps? Because that damn thing is such a f*ck, oh, I mean a fact that needs to be pointed out, emphasized and be really tattooed in the mind of not only the readers of this article but especially to my assuming and hopelessly...

  42. I Give My Right Arm for That

    I’d never given my time and attention on one thing; nevertheless, to do anything just to obtain it. Ever in my life, I don’t get rush. I’ve done things slowly and surely but now, everything went upside down. I always get cracking on everything that I do now and then; and, one thing for sure, it’s because...

  43. How Would the Journalism Internship Effect My Life

    How would the journalism internship effect my life. My name is Nikita, I'm 18. I have been working for an Internet-blog for teenagers, called “Pyat Uglov” (“Five Corners”) as a journalist and now I would like to apply for a journalism internship program. I enjoy journalism very much and consider it...

  44. A Teacher Who Had an Impact on My Life

    Teacher Who Had an Impact on My Life Interestingly, the teacher who had the most impact on my life was not one of my school teachers, but was my grandmother. My grandmother was a retired special education teacher of deaf and mute children, but for me she was always my Nagyi (Granny). She taught...

  45. Personal Response to the Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop

    Elizabeth Bishop essay Write a personal response to the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop. In my opinion, the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop is one that cannot be compared to any other poet’s works as it will, without question, overshadow that other poet’s work completely. Elizabeth Bishop is a one of a kind...

  46. My Ultimate Birthday Surprise

    My Ultimate Birthday Surprise I had gone to spend the week with my cousin, Brandon, and his wife, Jennie the summer of my sixteenth birthday. I had no idea that Brandon had the most thoughtful and extravagant birthday gift I could ever imagine. Brandon had, without his wife’s knowledge, set up an...

  47. life"s measurement

    butter and jelly sandwiches old. I can also measure my life in trips to the airport. Each time I fly, one more trip documents my life. When I was six airport trips old, my mother, sister, and I drove to Kennedy Airport to fly to England, where my father was waiting at our new home. As the grown-ups...

  48. Life!

    The shanty hut at the corner of the slum, into which Bilal's body the five-year-old child had been carried immediately after the catastrophe had lost most of its interest for the curious, although the noses of a few idlers were still pressed against the door in apparent search of something beyond the meager...

  49. Life

    Everybody has that first moment, usually earlier in life, when shit becomes absolutely real. For me, that moment didn’t come until March 23rd, 2012. A million different emotions ran through my body that day as I prepared to face the most horrible consequence, so far, in my life. One of every student’s...

  50. My Biggest Inspiration

    Kaari Hobson Mrs. Wilson Senior Composition 10-4-08 College essay Question: Who is the person tat has influenced you most in your life? When I first met Dorothy, I was fifteen. She was seventeen. I have this clear memory of her running into the building screaming “ I’m gunna be a princess...

  51. In Pursuit of My Happiness

    Why I Chose to Pursue My MBA? : Pursuit of Happiness Argument and Collaboration Individual Assignment Week #2 Ameerah Muhammad Dr. Sherwin MGMT/521 Why I Chose to Pursue my MBA Degree First off I would like to begin by giving a little background information on what started my Pursuit of Happiness...

  52. My Family

    My Last Day What happens when a normal day turns into the scariest thing you have ever lived? When all your fears pile up to a single moment, down to the last minute. When you ask yourself, is this it? And all your dreams and memories banish into the cold air and dead silent around you.         ...

  53. The ordeal

    the memories still haunt me till this very day. Me, my father, my aunt and some of our friends went hiking in Selmun. An outing which ended as a tragedy. The day couldn't have been better. We found a place to rest and we set there for a while. My dad and the rest started rehearsing their dance for...

  54. Love Letter: a Story About Something Magical That Happened in One's Life

    Everyone had something magical happening in his or her life and I would assume this story as the one in my life-Angelina Watson. You might want to read through my lines very carefully because it could just happen to you too -maybe some other day… So my story began like this… The hallway was busy as...

  55. left my heart in jakarta

    I left my heart in Jakarta This thing we had between us was a hate and love relationship. These words are the best thing that could describes my feelings for you. You and me are the perfect combination, although sometimes I just need a break from you. Complaining is the thing that I always do to...

  56. The Value of Life

    1 The Value of Life Jonathan Roosenberg Davenport University ENGL109 Mrs. O’Leary September 19, 2011 THE VALUE 2 The Value of Life I lie in my bunk in Afghanistan sleeping like a baby...

  57. Decisions Throughout One's Life

    Throughout one's life, an infinite amount of decision must be made. These decisions, either big or small, will direct your future and ultimately the course of your life. When asked to write about a significant and influential event that has occurred in my life, several different thoughts came to my mind. There...

  58. Change Everybody's Life?

    comes a time in everybody's life when the world as you know it changes. This happened to me not so long ago. When my life changed, it changed....with a vengeance. You see, I am now the queen of Sardohnia, a land I had never heard of in my life. Well, not until the year my brother Kyle died. It was...

  59. Life Without Jenni

    Life Without Jenni All of us have a hero. Somebody we aspire to be like; someone whom we admire greatly for their qualities or achievements. My hero is Jenni Schaefer. Jenni is a young woman recovering from both bulimia and anorexia. She is also the author of the best-selling books Life Without Ed...

  60. English vs. Swedish 1-0

    the viewer. Same goes for most computer games, though there we usually never even find any subtitles. In professional life English are most commonly used by air-traffic, large international companies and some part of the military. On a more social level, speaking from my own experiences is that we...