Free Essays on The Saddest Day In My Life

  1. My Saddest Day

    My saddest day Dad, I miss you…… I am 18 years old now. Within this eighteen years, there is one day that I never forget in my life-------26th March 2009. I lost my dad on that day. I was in school that day. During the recess time, my friends and I went to canteen together...

  2. How Music Changed My Life

    has music changed my life? The question seems at first unanswerable, general, and vague. However, when I rearrange the words to make a statement it seems so clear. Music has changed my life. This statement is completely true and could explain one of the most exciting parts of my life. It was probably...

  3. In the Loving Memory of My Grandfather

    In the loving memory of my Grandfather They can be the funniest person on the planet. They can bring so much joy and bliss in your life. They can also bring grief and sorrow into your life. Through experience, and as many of you would, too, I know for a fact that is and always will be special and means...

  4. My Life - Joseph Del Valle Galauran

    What is this you ask? It’s my project in English a seemingly bleak autobiography at best. I’m Joseph Del Valle Galauran, now that I think about it my name is just so simple it’s not that I hate it, but I could’ve at least have had a second name. So comes the tedious parts; I live at Quezon City, born...

  5. Positive Thoughts for the Day

    Statewide Training & Development POSITIVE THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY 1. You can’t change the whole world, and you certainly can’t change other people, but you do have the ability to change yourself. You can have a positive impact in your job, the people with whom you work, and the entire organization…the...

  6. The Modern Day Zombie

    to us? Is social media killing the actual aspect of being social? This memory was brought back to life for me when I was assigned to read “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” written by Nicholas Carr, in my English class. Carr introduces an idea that technology is changing how our human intellect operates...

  7. Love of One's Life Dying

    (1940) The element of this poem that had the greatest impact on me was its subject matter. It’s an incredibly sad poem about the love of one’s life dying. The first time I heard it was during the funeral scene in Four Weddings and a Funeral. The sense of finality that runs through it is overwhelming...

  8. A Goal in Life

    A Goal in Life Going up a rickety ride, surrounded by mud-like bricks, I was afraid. The floors looked abandoned; I had never seen anything so filthy. I was surprised that the elevator was working without a door. I walked out into the top floor and I saw people, many people, living in conditions that...

  9. Life of Samson

    eventually Jews turned to God for help against their enemies. A young man named Samson was one of the saddest examples of living a selfish life in the Old Testament literature. The story of his life is found in Judges 13-16. Samson came from a good home whose parents loved and obeyed God, they prayed...

  10. Bounded with Love

    way, life slaps you in the face with a sock full of quarters! What makes me say such a dreadful thing? I treasure my grandmother so much. She was already there for me ever since I saw the first sunlight. Every birthday, she always comes to our house and celebrates it with me. Until one day, my mom rushed...

  11. nuibyuv vhg

    Music and its abilities Music is a central part of my life. Without music, the world would seem naked, cold, and quiet. Music can set the rhythm for a long day of work, the mood for a date, a party or even one’s entire life. It can comfort you when you feel nothing else can. It has the ability to make...

  12. The Life's Would Haves

    from a lot of people. I did not know how much love they gave me until the days I prepared to come to United States. That was the time I felt saddest and happiest in my life. I hoped if I could change one thing, it would be the day I came to U.S is later. II/ Body One thing change: I would like to stay...

  13. Analysis of Nobody Knows My Name by Baldwin

    “Nobody Knows my Name” Baldwin How does Baldwin construct his writing to make a connection with the Reader? How does he produce an emotional response in the Reader? “I began to try to re-create the life that I had first known as a child and from which I had spent so many years in flight. It was...

  14. Best and Worst Learninglife Experience

    I am needed by my father as he lies in his bed at a rehabilition center twenty miles from where I live. Brilliant and funny and always in command, now with an immobile right side and barely understandable speech, he's suddenly in a desperate condition. People enter his room and ignore him or talk to...

  15. What I Really Want

    happy I can hear the voice of my mom saying, “I just want the best for you.” I do understand that, and I respect that at all times; but “the best for me” is unfortunately something that is not the best for her. I have hurt her and the rest of my family by my actions, but there are still a lot of...

  16. Music and It's Abilities

    Music and its abilities Music is a central part of my life. Without music, the world would seem naked, cold, and quiet. Music can set the rhythm for a long day of work, the mood for a date, a party or even one’s entire life. It can comfort you when you feel nothing else can. It has the ability to make...

  17. Princess Diana's Funeral

    Diana had been killed in a car accident I cried at the thought of a life being taken at such a young age. I liked her so much and could not get over the fact that she was dead. I always wanted to go to Britain and see her with my mom. I was crying so bad because it was too late. She was a hero...

  18. One Last Dance

    One Last Dance At that moment in time, with my emotions running crazy and the reality of this being my final dance setting in, those lyrics hit home and I began to cry. I had become so close with the girls at the studio. I had become more than their teacher or friend. We were basically sisters, but...

  19. Immigrating to Canada

    reasons of their own. My journey to Canada from Taiwan was a decision made by my parents on my sisters and I behalf. It was a decision I did not agree to in the beginning, however, after living here for the past six years I've learned to love this country and to understand the reason why my parents brought...

  20. Armageddon

    Texas is headed for us; in eighteen days it will annihilate the whole earth." At that moment I felt my hair stand on end, like a soldier stands to attention. Only two minutes ago I thought the worst thing that could happen was Harry finding out about my relationship with his daughter. That...

  21. best day of my life

    Where is my very emotional moment in my life? I plunged into my memories and spent many hours to determine those one day. And I came to the conclusion that the best day of my life was my birthday. Because from that moment, I started my life’s path. Life is given to a human for living it wisely. As the...

  22. the day that i decide to change my life

    essay writing The Day That Changed My Life For years in my life graduating from High School had been a date circled in my mind. For me graduating High School meant I could then do whatever I wanted to do without anyone telling me right from wrong. As I got older I began to realize that everything I...

  23. Here Is It

    How has music changed my life? The question seems so vague, broad, and unanswerable. Yet, at the same time, if I were to rearrange the words and make it into a statement, music has changed my life, it becomes a statement which is completely true, and could explain my life, and why I live. Do I...

  24. Losing Someone Special

    like to lose someone I really really love. My grandfather, the late Mr. Chan Seow Wing passed away last Wednesday and my family and I have all lost someone whom we have loved dearly our entire life. I’ve always thought that I’ve felt the deepest pain in life but all the pain and sorrow I’ve gone through...

  25. My Inspiration for Life

    101 P. Green February 11, 2010 My Inspiration for Life My whole life I’ve heard the saying “Every gray cloud has a silver lining,” until the birth of my daughter I never truly understood its meaning. When I found out I was pregnant as a high school senior I saw my whole world crumble around me, knowing...

  26. Essay 'My First Day at College or My First Impression of the College'

    My first day at college is an important event of my life. To me it is an unforgettable day. During my school days. I had a glimpse of college life from my elder brothers and sister. I was most curiously awaiting the day when I would start my college life. I thought that the college life would offer...

  27. My Life

    My name is Jun Alfred T. Alba. I was born in July 7, 1995 and I live in Siongco Subdivision Phase II, Omboy, Abucay, Bataan. My father’s is Alfredo. He was working as a welder. My mother’s name is Raquelita. She always has been a house wife, and always stayed at home and taken care of her family. I...

  28. Of Mice and Men - Loneliness

    George, he stays with his simple-minded friend as a wall against loneliness and believes in hope that one day the two will leave the aimless life as migrant workers, and move onto a more normal life. "I ain't got no people. I seen the guys that go around on the ranches alone. That ain't no good. They don't...

  29. If Today Was My Last Day

    If Today Was My Last Day Literacy is a big part of our lives. Having strong literacy skills, will help me have a more probable chance in having a good life when it comes to work and participating in society. If I did not have any literacy...

  30. My War-Life

    Essay My computer screen quickly fades away from focus and an odd chill shoots through my body like lighting. Time grinds to a stop. Soon a numb sensation takes over all my senses as I decipher the news that my unit will soon deploy to Iraq. Going home that day was difficult. Instead of my usual repetitive...

  31. A Day in the Life

    A Day in the Life... A typical day would involve me preparing for a subtle breakfast with a large cup full of coffee smoldering into a mug, indulging in my daily newspaper, answering missed calls that were placed overnight, feeding my cat tuna and water, showering, grooming, planning for my day, and...

  32. The Most Memorable Day of My Life

    The most memorable day of my life was, September 4, 1995 in Chicago, IL. It was 6:00 a.m. when my alarm clock woke me up. The first day of high school was finally here. I was excited, but a lot more nervous. I got out of bed, got ready, and then was on my way to the bus stop. All I could think of is...

  33. My Life, My Challenges and My Experiences

    My Life, My Challenges and My Experiences Looking back on a childhood filled with events and memories, I find it rather difficult to pick on the one thing that leaves me with the fabled "warm and fuzzy feelings." Lightly stroll with me on the yellow brick road of my life and let’s journey to the good...

  34. My Life

    through the same thing, Life. And learn lessons, as I have. I want to tell you about my little, little itty-bitty life, you may or may not find this interesting, but most can relate to parent issues, school and social drama. I grew up living in Santa Rosa, Ca. living with my parents, aunt and grandparents...

  35. My Life

    obstacles in my life, but failure is the most challenging to overcome. I fear to fail at everything I do. I always talk myself out of everything I do. It would take me days of thinking and talking to my mother and sister before I can make a decision. Always feeling like I can’t accomplish my goals, make...

  36. How Fibromyalgia Changed My Life

    Changed My Life Hi my name is Virginia Patterson. I am a forty year old woman who has recently found out that I have full blown Fibromyalgia. There is no cure for this disease. Fibromyalgia has changed my life forever. I have had to learn to cope with Fibromyalgia, discover how to reprioritize my life...

  37. A Day in the Life of

    Jade Nixon 10.2 'A Day In The Life Of' I don't know about you but i truly hate waking up on Monday mornings. J'ai deteste le Lundi matin! I supposed every teenager does. I wouldn't blame them if they did. Mondays are torturous. My alarm blasts into my ear around 7:00am. The good old snooze button...

  38. Novel

    of Claudia My name is Claudia. I'm 16 years old right now. I have dark skin. I have long black hair. I’m from Dominican Republic. I hate people's noisy eating, burping, passing gas, and people that talk loudly. I get so embarrassed when someone acts stupid when someone is with them. My darkest secret...

  39. My Life Dream

    transition from civilian to Naval life started without undue delay. The day marked with commencement of an extremely strenuous but enjoyable and it lasted for 1½ years of academy training. The friendship and comradeship developed in PNA continue to thrive till to date. My extracurricular activities included...

  40. the day i broke my arm

    The Day I Broke My Arm Lorie Benincasa English 111 ...

  41. Makes My Life Easier

    want because most of my friends had one. All I used my cell phone for was to text my friends non-stop and occasionally call my family members. However, I need a cell phone in case of an emergency, to make phone calls, and to use as a GPS. An emergency can occur at any time, day, or place. The Federal...

  42. Incident that changed my life

    hildhood is a very impressionable period in one’s life. One incident of my childhood is indelibly imprinted in my mind. From the time I was in standard V, my father was very particular that I should not only study my lessons but also participate in extra-curricular activities. According to his wishes...

  43. Worst Day of My Life - Paper

    The Worst Day of My Life Think about the most terrifying scream you have ever heard, now intensify that by about a million times; that is the scream I was woken up by at about 6:50 in the morning on April 23rd. This scream was coming from outside. When I realized it was my mother screaming… my heart dropped...

  44. Coming to Usa Changed My Whole Life.

    Coming to USA changed my whole life. Life is about making choices, but some of them can even change our life. Some can bring improvement and success and some others can bring failure. Three years ago, me and my family, decided to come to America for a better chance of living, new opportunities and success...

  45. The Person Who Has Made a Difference in My Life: My Mother

    Difference in My Life: My Mother My mother is the most influential person in my life. She has taught me various things in life and her endless support has made a difference in my life. One thing I have learned from her is how to have a successful business. Growing up and seeing my mom owning and...

  46. A Teacher Who Had an Impact on My Life

    Teacher Who Had an Impact on My Life Interestingly, the teacher who had the most impact on my life was not one of my school teachers, but was my grandmother. My grandmother was a retired special education teacher of deaf and mute children, but for me she was always my Nagyi (Granny). She taught...

  47. An Unforgettable Incident in My Life

    AN UNFORGETTABLE INCIDENT IN MY LIFE Childhood is a very impressionable period in one’s life. One incident of my childhood is indelibly imprinted in my mind. From the time I was in standard V, my father was very particular that I should not only study my lessons but also participate in extra-curricular...

  48. The Proudest Achievment in My Life

    THE PROUDEST ACHIEVEMENT OF MY LIFE It was the 23rd May 2007, the day of my proudest achievment in my life.This day made me a star in everybody's eyes and added many feathers in my cap. Yes, it was on this day that my X th Board result was declared and my plate was full of distinctions and achievments...

  49. Narrative Essay on My Life

    Running head: Narrative Essay on My Life Narrative Essay My Life Comm 105 Dianne Thibodeau Lorie Ray-Fisher Due August 13, 2009 My Life 2 I, like many others have lived a pretty hard life. Well for starters, mother use to hit me and my younger sister, almost on a daily basis...

  50. A Story About My Life

    11/15/04 Hello my name is Eli Horton, I’m twenty four and this is a story about my life. I was born in Chicago, to a wealthy family who has ruled the city for generations. My dad who is one of the cities biggest mobsters controls every aspect of the underground world. My mother lives a double life. During the...

  51. Most memorable day

    The memorable day of my life would be the day when I came to know I was the second to score the highest in commerce in my town. I could not believe my ears as I never dreamed of such achievements. It was the memorable day of my life because I was able to see the happiness in my mother’s eyes. I thought...

  52. My Life as Teenage Football Star

    My life as a teenage football star My journey as a teenage football star started at the age of 13. I was just like most teenagers who developed interest in football by watching others playing it on T.V. As well as this, I was in some football activities in school as part of my Physical education lessons...

  53. The day I met God

    The Day I Met God Eleven years ago, when I was thirty two years old, I put a needle in my arm for the first time. At that time in my life, I felt like I could not live and I could not die. My life, as I knew it, had fallen apart. I lost my job, my home, and my husband. My oldest son was diagnosed with...

  54. Social History Paper

    MSW, LCSW Social History 2 Social History In this paper I will be interviewing a young lady by the name of Ms. Vanessa Shaw. Ms. Shaw's life changed dramatically when she moved to Brooklyn, NY. While her stay in New York she birth three children two boys and a girl. Also, Ms. Shaw was able...

  55. My Life

     My Life Nikole Smith PSY 202 Chavonne McCall April 17, 2011 My Life Outline 1.What My Family Is Like A..Many Nationalities ...

  56. The Fall of the House of Usher

    doubling in “The Fall of the House of Usher” increase the scariness of the tale? «”The saddest and the strangest figure in American literary history”, Killis Campbell called him. “Few writers have lived a life so full of struggle and disappointment, and none have lived and died more completely out...

  57. Life Without a Father

    Life without a father Oh! Oh! Oh! Now that’s our winner today at Long Beach surfers’ competition Ben Tovar!!!! by following Second place Nick Alvarado and third Kevin Goicochea. “Wow! Dude great job you’re the beast” Juan said “HEY! Ya’ll wanna get pizza tonight it’s on me.” Angel added...

  58. How Music Changed My Life

    benefits of music in your life? In our life, I guess all of you have a lot trouble, some make you get angry, some make you feel inhibited… Like all of you, I got a lot trouble in my life. My friend is a trouble, my family even my life is a trouble. Music changed my life in many ways. I used to work...

  59. Going Back to School and My Future Looks Brighter

    Franklin Hall ENG 121 Kim Elliott-White September 8, 2010 2 Thinking of how important education can be and will bring about a direct change in your life. It builds character, corrects mindsets, and brings about stability in you daily living. Education is a valuable tool it helps create knowledge, wisdom...

  60. How I Want to Spend the Rest of My Life

    the rest of your life? This is a question many people ponder on. As for me, I want to spend the rest of my life helping others, working toward success, and living life to the fullest. I want to spend the rest of my life helping others. It is one of the most important aspects in life today. Helping...