Free Essays on Planet Earth In 2050

  1. The Year 2050

    The Year of 2050 Vlog Update , 1-1-2050 This year made of 20th anniversary since humans have lived on another planet than Earth . I’m scientist Annie Easley founder of live on Mars. Born April 25,1999, I grew...

  2. new earth

    New Earth New Earth Life as we know it is changing and growing. Finding new ways to expand into other planets to meet the need of the increasing population on Earth has become necessary. The Mars experiment will make this possible. Currently, there are organizations that are finding new planets...

  3. The Impact of Global Warming on the Animals of Earth

    Global warming is the largest environmental issue that is affecting every aspect of life on Earth, not just humans. All the animals dwelling in our planet are being affected by these sudden changes, and the outcomes are extreme. As a result of this environmental issue, some species have become extinct...

  4. Analysis of Managing Planet Earth

    Analysis of Managing Planet Earth Introduction: The main points of this writing can be summed up with its title, Managing Planet Earth. This essay thoroughly explains all the environmental problems occurring on earth, while giving several suggestions on how to solve them. The author, William...

  5. Ice Age Year 2050

    the earth fights back, to the torture inflicted by mass commercial production, sucking ozone. It is not just an epidemic waiting to combust 32 years from now, the effects are already occurring. Arctic ice is disappearing swiftly, and an ice free summer is well on its way, expected in year 2050. That...

  6. Life on another planet

    Life on Another Planet KEPLER-22b Kepler system is made up of many planets: approximately 69 of them. Many have the same structure as the Earth, such as, it has the capability to hold water like an ocean, and has an atmosphere some-what like the Earth. Kepler-22b is a planet roughly 600 light...

  7. drug

    America) -Sea level rises (Sea levels are expected to rise at least seven inches by the end of the century) -More animals being endangered (In 2050, polar bears are likely to face extinction) -Some diseases will spread eg. Malaria -Some places are getting hotter and some places are getting colder ...

  8. The Planet Jupiter

    This article is about the planet. For other uses, see Jupiter (disambiguation). Jupiter This image was enhanced by the U.S. Geological Survey to bring out detail. It is based on a 1979 image from the Voyager 1 spacecraft. Designations Pronunciation i /ˈdʒuːpɪtər/[1] Adjective Jovian Orbital...

  9. A Vacation on the Planet Mercury

    eight planets in our solar system, which is called the Milky Way. The eight planets in our solar system, in order, are called Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Of these eight planets, there is only one that I could spend my solar system vacation on. The planets that I...

  10. When the Earth Moves Beneath Your Feet

    When you feel the Earth move beneath your feet…….. Wow! Did you feel that? Earthquakes are one of the most powerful events on earth, and they can be terrifying. A severe earthquake can release energy almost 10,000 times as great as the first atomic bomb explosion.(McNally) I will explain what an...

  11. the family of planets

    Family of Planets Cynthia Phillips Rasmussen College This paper is being submitted by Cynthia Phillips, For class, G239/AST2002 Section 01 Introduction to Astronomy - The Family of Planets Hoping to explain the difference between the Jovian planets and Terrestrial...

  12. Urban Problems

    practically not realistic but it is possible with a ton of planning and commitment. From the very second the Earth initiated to support existence there have been frequent conflicts of the planet such as quakes, meteorites, etc. A new threat, though, started with the beginning of development which led to...

  13. Mars is the planet that never grew up

    the planet that never grew up 25 May 2011 Mars, the magnificent Red Planet that has inspired a thousand science fiction fantasies, is just a baby - it has never grown up. Scientists in the US have analysed isotopes in meteorites that resemble Martian geology and have discovered that the planet stopped...

  14. Climate Change

    global climate which can cause increased average global temperature. Earth’s climate temperature is determined by natural causes; sun’s rays reaching earth and reflectivity of surface (melting of ice-caps). Human causes are also a factor. The human race has contributed to the greenhouse effect. The burning...

  15. Humans Are Savors of Earth

    Research so far has shown there is life only on plant Earth. Since B.C and A.D periods humans have been living on planet earth with affection, discipline and integrity. Mankind has worked for several years to make this planet, Earth a better place everyday by putting their efforts. These efforts are...

  16. Is the Planet Earth Under Threat?

    Warming Is Planet Earth Under Threat? By: Candace Simas Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth’s near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and it is projected continuation. It is true, many agree that the earth is warming, but...

  17. The Dwarf Planet

    This article is about the dwarf planet. For other uses, see Pluto (disambiguation). Semi-protected Pluto Astronomical symbol of Pluto Map of Pluto based on Charon eclipses, approximately true colour and giving the highest resolution possible with current technology Discovery Discovered by Clyde...

  18. Planets Like Earth

    stars have planets with atmospheres similar to Earth’s? Explain. Given the extensive size of the Milky Way and the number of sun-like stars found in it, I would like to exercise the thought of thinking there is a possibility. Currently, astronomers have discovered a number of planets orbiting...

  19. Ways to Control Human Population

    Ways to control human population The numbers of humans on Earth have increased enormously during the past several millennia, but especially during the past two centuries. By the end of the twentieth century, the global population of humans was 6.0 billion. That figure is twice the population of 1960...

  20. Is There Life on Other Planets

    Is there life on other planets? The theory that there is life on other planets has been debated since ancient times. In the earlier era of these theories common belief was that extraterrestrials were considered more like gods, the debate was whether they were gods, or not. This is how the factions...

  21. The Dancers

    different types of life found on Earth and the variations within species. It is a measure of the variety of organisms present in different ecosystems. This can refer to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, or species variation (number of species) within an area, biome, or planet. Terrestrial biodiversity...

  22. Stossel

    citizens of planet Earth, remain unchanged. Fossil fuels in cars, factory and electricity production are mainly responsible for the production of greenhouse gases. Otherwise known as Global Warming, this global event has been recognized and distinguished as harmful and deleterious to planet Earth since middle...

  23. Five Percent Nation/Nation of Gods and Earths

    FIVE PERCENT NATION/NATION OF GODS AND EARTHS 2 Nation of Gods and Earths The Five Percent Nation/Nation of Gods and Earths originated as an offshoot of the Nation of Islam. It was founded and established by Clarence Edward Smith, who after becoming inducted into the Nation of Islam, took on...

  24. Forests for a Living Planet

    elit, sed erat diam nonummy nibh magna erat. Forests for a Living Planet FORESTS are the planet's lungs. Home to people and Wildlife. Engines of green economies. Forests are Essential to life on Earth. Forests for a Living Planet FORESTS are the planet's lungs. Home to people and Wildlife. Engines...

  25. The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 Film)

    government in order to formulate a survival plan when it is feared that a large unknown object with a speed of 3x107m/s is on a crash course to the Earth, due to impact Manhattan in just over an hour. Nothing can be done about it because a vital military satellite has been disabled. However, the object...

  26. The Most Mysterious Planet

    Pluto Pluto, the ninth planet in our solar system, is debatably the most mysterious planet that researchers have discovered. This small planet has caused many great arguments between astronomers. With the facts they know about Pluto and the new findings they come across as man becomes more technologically...

  27. Is Global Warming Real?

    gases and other man-made activities are responsible for climate change that is affecting the planet. The threat of global warming is acknowledged in these countries and fight for the existence of the planet has become very popular. The objective of this project is to determine and state the actual...

  28. Global Warming - 1

    in the atmosphere as mentioned earlier, trap heat from radiating back to the space. The natural green house gases act like a big blanket around the earth, keeping it warm. This is called green house effect. Global Warming is caused by the green house effect. Causes of Global warming: Global Warming...

  29. India 2050

    India and the world in 2050 - Sorry, it is not fiction!! Today you may believe that the following can be true only in dreams. Many may think that it is fictitious. But the following may be probably true for people reading it in 2050. Please continue reading.........   Statistics generated by...

  30. Ufos and Aliens on Earth

    UFOs and Aliens on Earth If you had mentioned seeing an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) or spaceship from another planet 100 years ago, you would probably be thought of as a raving lunatic. If you had mentioned one 50 years ago, the case would be thought about, but with much suspicion. Today, many...

  31. Vision 2050

    Vision 2050 Singapore, 12 February 2011 Report The passenger is at the core of our 2050 thinking. Over the last four decades the real cost of travel has fallen by about 60% and the number of travelers increased tenfold. We must continue to provide this great value to individual consumers and...

  32. SCI 215 M5 Assignment 1 Monitoring Our Home Planet

    1 Monitoring Our Home Planet Click Link Below To Buy: The Internet is a powerful tool that provides the ability to monitor natural phenomena and disasters that happen all over planet Earth. In this assignment, you...

  33. Solar Power - Essay 1

    English paper #3 Solar power With the planets rise in population reaching above seven billion there is a greater demand than ever to find a clean renewable source of energy. China, India and other emerging countries are all taking steps to become technologically advanced nations, massive amounts...

  34. Global Warming Effects: the Change Phases Earth Is Undergoing

    Warming There is a huge controversy about whether or not there is global warming. I am going to tell you that there is no such thing it is a phase the earth and the sun is going through. I will show you proof from prominent scientists from different countries recently voiced significant objections to global...

  35. The Release of Green House Gases

    significant leakage from the emissions controls in the Kyoto Protocol. 4.0Release Of Greenhouse Gases: The Earth and its atmosphere emit energy in the form of energy. Heat energy radiated by the earth to the atmosphere, instead of dispersing into space, becomes trapped within the atmosphere, thanks to the...

  36. Human Impact on Earth

    Some people say we humans are harming the Earth through our activities, but other people say we are improving the quality of life on our planet. In my opinion, humans are harming the Earth by their activities. Humans have harmed the Earth in numerous ways. Global warming is the first thing that comes...

  37. Global Warming and the Changes of Temperature on Earth

    GLOBAL WARMING Global warming is the increase of the average temperature on earth. As the Earth is getting hotter, disasters like Hurricanes, Droughts and floods are getting more frequent. [pic] Global Warming is the increase in the average temperature of earth’s near surface air and ocean since...

  38. Mr M S Sticktree

    Temperature variation has a huge impact on the planets natural systems and the way that human communities function and interact with the environment. In many contrasting areas of the world it is temperature that determines industries such as farming and tourism. This easy will discuss and analyse the...

  39. Introduction to Global Warming

    world temperatures, which in turn causes changes in climate. A warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impact on plants, wild life and humans. Greenhouse gases keep our planet warm. They exist naturally in the atmosphere, heating it by trapping energy...

  40. The Planets

    The Planets, Op. 32, is a seven-movement orchestral suite by the English composer Gustav Holst, written between 1914 and 1916. Each movement of the suite is named after a planet of the Solar System and its corresponding astrological character as defined by Holst. From its premiere to the present day...

  41. Is Our Time on Earth Out

    “In the long term,” he added, “humans will only survive if they can leave the rock they call home and spread out into space, to transform and occupy planets around our own sun and then around other suns. Failing, perhaps our best bet is to use genetic engineering to tinker with human species and make us...

  42. One of the Largest Animals to Exist on Earth, the Blue Whales

    Blue Whales The blue whale is one of the largest animals to exist on earth, they are too heavy to live on earth due to their own weight. They can range from 110 ft. and up to 190 – 200 tons, but average is smaller according to previous records. The blue whale is the size of 2 humpback whales put together...

  43. Earth Hour, More Than an Hour

    First Last Name Prof. Jacqueline Landau ENGL 102 January 2013 Earth Hour, More Than an Hour The Eastern coast of the United States has been through the most ruinous hurricane; Australia had most severe forest fire; Beijing had the darkest daytime because of over-polluted air. These disasters were...

  44. The Earth and Its Environment

    The Earth and its Environment As technology advances, the atmosphere surrounding our Mother Earth deteriorates. Everyone is responsible in one way or another for the destruction of Earth’s environment as we are all involved in polluting the air, which in turn is destroying the ozone. Since life...

  45. Carbon Dioxide: the Main Culprit to Climate Change

    weather, called climate, usually stays pretty much the same for centuries if it is left to itself. However, the earth is not being left alone. People are taking actions that can change the earth and its climate in significant ways. Carbon dioxide is the main culprit. The single human activity that is...

  46. Earth Materials Worksheet

     Earth and Earth Materials Worksheet Melissa Cordle GLG/150 October 18, 2015 Robert Hogan University of Phoenix Material Earth and Earth Materials I Worksheet From Visualizing Earth Science, by Merali, Z., and Skinner, B. J, 2009...

  47. “The earth has a fever, and the fever is growing… we are what’s wrong, and we must make it better.” In the context of the global warming, discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement.

    “The earth has a fever, and the fever is growing… we are what’s wrong, and we must make it better.” In the context of the global warming, discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. The average global temperatures are increasing. In the past the temperatures have fluctuated massively...

  48. How Old Is the Earth? | Starlight

    years old? I believe the bible clearly teaches that the earth is around 6’000 years old and God made everything. Actually He made the earth first (Genesis 1:1) then He made the stars (verse 14). Evolution teaches stars came first then the earth, (This is one of the many reasons the evolution theory can...

  49. Global Warming: Environmental Emergency or Green Hysteria

    global warming; and lastly, whether global warming is just a natural development that is part of a long history of climate changes undergone by the planet (Vogel and Lazar, 2010). All of these arguments, as well as their rebuttals, produce a multilayered picture of a complicated, emotionally provocative...

  50. Ocean Acidification

     Ocean Acidification Research Final “How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean.” Arthur C. Clarke Research Final Introduction to History The reduction of the pH in the oceans of the world has been...

  51. Physics of the Impossible

    the sky. I never missed a week. The program opened up an entirely new world for me. I was thrilled by the thought of one day rocketing to an alien planet and exploring its strange terrain. Being pulled into the orbit of these fantastic inventions I knew that my own destiny was x PREFACE somehow...

  52. Population and Environment

    by 25%. Biodiversity. The earth's biological diversity is crucial to the continued vitality of agriculture and medicine—and perhaps even to life on earth itself. Yet human activities are pushing many thousands of plant and animal species into extinction. Two of every three species is estimated to be in...

  53. The Clearance of Naturally Occurring Forests by Logging and Burning.

    deforestation can destroy genetic variations (such as crop resistance) irretrievably.[44] Since the tropical rainforests are the most diverse ecosystems on Earth[45][46] and about 80% of the world's known biodiversity could be found in tropical rainforests,[47][48] removal or destruction of significant areas...

  54. Earth Science

    Earth Science 110 LECTURE NOTES DISCUSSION PAGE Introduction to Earth Science (Chapter 1) 3 I. Minerals (Chapter 2) 6 II. Rocks (Chapter 3) 12 III. Weathering, Soil, and Mass Wasting (Chapter 4) 16 IV. Running Water and Groundwater (Chapter 5)...

  55. SCI 207 Week 4 LAB Greenhouse Gases

    change by 2050? 2. According to the computer model and your readings, which source of heat-trapping pollution, contribute the most to climate change? Explain. 3. Recalling your observations from the three time periods, how has the thickening blanket of heat-trapping pollution affected Earth SCI 207...

  56. Our Personal Role in Mitigating Climate Change From the view of a Malaysian Citizen

    Statistics show that if all the ice on Earth melted, the sea level would rise by about 65 metres. So, what impact will climate change have on the environment? Well, the effects would be drastic and would affect not only us but all living things on this planet as well. With the higher sea levels, many...

  57. Ma Csr

    scope of these profound challenges underscore the fundamental reality of our age – global interdependence. Six and a half billion human beings inhabit Earth along with some 1.8 million other known species, sharing one planetary ecosystem, one climate, and, increasingly, one polity. The reality of global...

  58. Myth

    agricultural production in order to minimize hunger. OUR RESPONSE: The world today produces enough grain alone to provide every human being on the planet with 3,500 calories a day.1 That’s enough to make most people fat! And this estimate does not even count many other commonly eaten foods—vegetables...

  59. Study Guide

    180) Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune terrestrial planet Jovian planet, icy world, asteroid, asteroid belt, comets Kuiper Belt magnetic field average density impact crater key ideas: (p. 180–2) 1.What are the two major planet types and what distinguishes...

  60. Essay on Jupiter

    reference to a planet in the solar system. It is 11 times more than earth in terms of size with a diameter of 88,846 miles (142,984 kilometers) and about one-tenth that of the sun. Only 1000 earths can fill up the volume of this giant planet. It is also regarded as the largest planet in the solar system...