Free Essays on The Atom

  1. Atom and Molecules

    An atom is smallest particle in an element that has the properties of the element. It is not possible to breakdown the atom further retaining the properties of the element. Atoms are not visible to the naked eye and are the basic building blocks. For example the atoms of element gold cannot be broken...

  2. The History of the Atom

    HISTORY OF THE ATOM The history is clear that the atom has many things to do with the world. It is what we see and touch everyday... a very stange thing. We could relate this to many other strange things in life like the electron or the proton which are parts of the atom. The atom was discovered...

  3. Beryrilium Atom

    Atoms are the building blocks of matter. They make up many elements that are common among living things. The atom depicted in the picture is beryllium according to the Periodic Table. It is beryllium because in the top right hand corner of the beryllium box in the Periodic Table there is the number...

  4. Electrons in Atoms

    Chapter 5 Electrons In Atoms Section 1 Key concepts Rutherford’s atomic model could not explain the chemical properties of elements. Bohr proposed that an electron is found only in specific circular paths, or orbit, around the nucleus. The quantum mechanical model determines the allowed energies...

  5. Energy Levels and Sublevels in the Atom

    Energy levels are defined as the fixed energy value that an electron in an atom may have. Inside an atom, the electron may only occupy certain positions with a very definite radius from the nucleus. These locations are known as energy levels/orbits/shells. An electron occupying one of these energy levels...

  6. The Atom Bomb and Wwii

    were built with wood and had tile roofs. They were not built to hold up to explosions. The city had not been the target of serious attacks until the atom bomb. Making the Bombs With the help of Canada and the United Kingdom, the United States ran the top secret “Manhattan Project.” This was the development...

  7. Octet Rule

    The quantum theory of the atom explains the eight electrons as a closed shell with an s2p6 electron configuration. A closed-shell configuration is one in which low-lying energy levels are full and higher energy levels are empty. For example the neon atom ground state has a full n=2 shell (2s2 2p6) and...

  8. The Titel

    Patrick Killen September 13, 2008 Period 1 Biology Section 6.1 Atoms and Their Interactions Summary Main Idea * Atoms are the basic building blocks of all matter. * Atoms consist of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons. The positively charged nucleus is surrounded by a cloud...

  9. Bio Chapter 2

    created that everything in the world needs. The one thing everything in the world needs is atoms. These atoms have an atomic number which is the amount of protons in the atomic nucleus which determines the element. Atoms also have charges which is an electrical property which causes opposite charges to attract...

  10. Chem Notes

    BONDING 1. Definition: a chemical bond formed by the sharing of one or more pairs of electrons (with paired spins) between two or more non-metals atoms. Covalent bonds are typically formed between two or more non-metals in molecules and giant covalent structures. The strength of the bond stems from...

  11. Covalent Bonding

    Covalent bonding is a form of chemical bonding characterized by the sharing of one or more pairs of electrons, by two atoms, in order to produce a mutual attraction. The atoms tend to share electrons, so as to fill their outer electron shells. Such bonds are always stronger than the intermolecular...

  12. Rutherford’s Atomic Model

    Rutherford’s atomic model By 1911 the components of the atom had been discovered. The atom consisted of subatomic particles called protons and electrons. However, it was not clear how these protons and electrons were arranged within the atom. J.J. Thomson suggested the"plum pudding" model. In this model...

  13. Organic Chemistry Guide

    volume. g/cm3 Why is density a characteristic property? The density of an object does not change with the sample Section 1.3 What is an atom? How is it different from an element? The smallest part of an element. Elements are larger than elements Who is Democritus? Greek philosopher...

  14. Development and Significance of the Ozone Hole

    alternative to toxic ammonia, the chief refrigerant in use before the development of CFCs. Chlorofluorocarbons consist of carbon, fluorine and chlorine atoms and whilst present in the troposphere, they remain virtually intact without decomposing. The compounds linger in the lowest layer of the Earth’s atmosphere...

  15. chcj v

    conduct electricity if we dope them with a small amount of impurity atoms. In the case of Silicon (Si) these would be any atom other than Si. Impurities are divided into two broad categories: Donors and Acceptors. A donor is an impurity atom that has more electrons in its outermost shell that is necessary...

  16. Chem Summary

    particles called atoms. Atoms are the smallest particles in an element, as they cannot be split by chemical means. An element is a substance that contains only one type of atom, so it cannot be converted into more chemical means. Some elements are composed of a mixture of closely related atoms called isotopes...

  17. general biology classes

    from the atomic number of an element on the periodic table. 7) Atom- smallest particle in an element that has the properties of one. You cannot break down an atom any further than what it is already. Molecule- two or more atoms form a molecule and you can break them down further. 8) An ionic...

  18. Concept of Nuclear Fusion and Fission

    Fission is a chemistry and physics based reaction that helps atom split apart. Nuclear Fission of heavy elements was discovered in 1938 by  Lise Meitner, Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann, and Otto Robert Frisch (Harris 1). In this process the atom of an element splits up, leaving behind protons and neutrons...

  19. Chem

    An atom of carbon can have 6, 7, or 8 neutrons. It doesn't matter, we will still call it 'carbon.' If a carbon atom has 6 neutrons, its Mass Number is 12. (6 protons + 6 neutrons) If a carbon atom has 7 neutrons, its Mass Number is 13. (6 protons + 7 neutrons) You try: If a nitrogen atom has...

  20. Chemistry essay on scientists

    scientific theory of the nature of matter, which states that matter is composed of units called atoms. However this theory was not just composed by itself. There were many contributors into the finding of how atoms work and explanations. For example, John Dalton (6 September 1766 – 27 July 1844),who...

  21. Lab report on Determining Avagadros number

    the time ended the copper was then reweighed at 3.921g. We took the difference which was 5.3E-2. We then proceeded to calculate the number of copper atoms in a mole. Math We took the mean of the amount of amps used in the process which came to .300 coul/sec and multiplied this by the 400 seconds. This...

  22. Acidic Environment Part 5

    alkanoic acids from C1 to C8 and straight-chained primary alkanols from C1 to C8 Nomenclature of alkanols CnH2n+1OH 1. Count the number of carbon atoms in the chain 2. Select the stem that corresponds to an alkane with that many carbons 3. Delete the ‘e’ and add the suffix ‘ol’ 4. Assign a locate...

  23. Flex

    molecular) formula of any compound gives us some information about the elements, type and number of atoms forming it. * The chemical formula: It is a simple symbolic form showing type and number of atoms in one molecule. It also shows number of moles of each element in different compounds. ...

  24. PROJ 420 WEEK 7 DQS

    you don’t think it’s necessary.) Just how important do you think lessons learned is? Why? Week 7 Discussion 2 The ATOM Process We have now covered the steps of the ATOM process. What is your opinion of the process as it relates to risk management? What are its benefits? What are its drawbacks...

  25. Describe the Different Types of Intermolecular Force

    deduced from the fact that non- polar substances can be liquified and solidified. This suggests that there are forces of attraction between the atoms and molecules of non-polar elements, as energy is required to transform the non- polar elements between their various states, suggesting some force...

  26. The History of the Atomic Theory

    John Dalton was born on September 6th 1776 in England. Dalton became intrested in atoms and such because he was previously involved in the study of meteorology. The day and date of his birth as his family never recorded it properly in the family bible (the way it was done in those days) so nobody for...

  27. autobiography

    All matter is made of atoms. Atoms are the smallest particle of matter. They are so small that you cannot see them with your eyes or even with a standard microscope. A standard sheet of paper is about a million atoms thick. Science has come up with a technology to identify atoms called a scanning tunneling...

  28. Scientific Investigation lab

    General Information on Chemical Bonding 1. Diagram an atom showing the charge and location of the subatomic particles. 2. What is chemical bonding? What subatomic particles play a role in chemical bonding? Why do most atoms form chemical bonds? 3. Show the electron-distribution...

  29. tertiary reminders

    physical and chemical changes. Relate the properties of a substance to its atomic structure. Determine the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in atoms and ions. Balance chemical equations. Write balanced equations for reactions of metals with air, water and acids. (chemical properties of metals) ...

  30. Black Dahlia

    because chemical energy is the energy held in the covalent bonds between atoms in a molecule. Every bond has a certain amount of energy. Covalent bonds are formed when the electron molecule clouds of two bonds of the same atoms overlap. Where the clouds overlap they are thicker, and their electric charge...

  31. Copper

    element because the electrons in its 3d orbital pair up with the electrons in its 4d orbital instead of leaving the 4d orbital full, this is so the Cu atom can remain more stable. Thus, its electron configuration is 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d10. It has a melting point of 1357.75K, a boiling point of 2840K, and...

  32. Question paper for igcse

    charged, occupying a lot of space giving the atom its overall size. b. They are very big and negatively charged, occupying a lot of space giving the atom its overall size. c. They are very small and negatively charged, but occupy a lot of space giving the atom its overall size. 6. The element Radon...

  33. Science. Rutherford's Atomic Model

    Rutherford Model of the Nuclear Atom]   Considering the results of Geiger and Marsden's experiment and the failure of Thomson's atomic model, E. Rutherford (UK, 1871 - 1937) proposed a model in which the electric charge +Ze in an atom is not distributed over the whole area of the atom but concentrates in a small...

  34. PROJ 420 WEEK 1 DQS

    management. Can risk be exiciting? Can you give us some examples of “crazy risk” that you may have encountered? Week 1 Discussion 2 The ATOM Risk Management Process The ATOM Risk Management Process is designed to be a simple, scalable format for performing risk management that can be applied to any project...

  35. Antioxidents Introduction

    can also be dangerous. Free radicals or atoms with an unpaired number of valence electrons. These atoms take a valence electron from an oxygen atom , and in the process damaging the oxygen atom. Antioxidants stop the free radicals from damaging the oxygen atoms and stop the cells from sustaining any damage...

  36. The Ultimate Man

    How many electrons can each energy level hold? 6. What is special about noble/inert gases? 7. Why do atoms form ions? 8. What is electronegativity? Give an example of two atoms that would be attracted to each other. 9. List five properties of metals and list four properties of non-metals...

  37. Nuetrons

    aren't positive like protons. They aren't negative like electrons. A British physicist Ernest Rutherford discovered the atom in 1911 . He constructed a model showing an atom with a nucleus containing protons and electrons . Scientists studying the model knew that something must be missing from...

  38. X-Rays

    X-Rays (Röntgen Rays) How X-Rays Are Formed The “basic” way to produce X-Rays is to crash electrons moving at high speeds into heavy atoms. There are two different ways for us to accomplish this; Bremsstrahlung and X-Ray fluorescence. Bremsstrahlung X-Rays are formed when a charged particle suddenly...

  39. chemistry

    Which of the following is not part of Dalton's atomic theory? A. Atoms combine in whole-number ratios to form chemical compounds. B. Chemical reactions involve a rearrangement of the atoms in the starting materials. C. All atoms of a given element have identical mass and chemical properties. D....

  40. Kaligiran Ng Pagaaral

    REVIEWER Atom – is the smallest basic unit of matter. An element is one type of atom Parts of an atom: protons, neutrons, and electrons Compound – made of atoms of different elements bonded together Ion – an atom that has gained or lost one or more electrons Isotopes – atoms with a different...

  41. Review

    2. What is the difference between an atom, element, molecule and compound? Atom: the smallest portion into which an element can be divided and still retain its properties, made up of a dense, positively charged nucleus surrounded by a system of electrons. Atoms usually do not divide in chemical reactions...

  42. Organic

    Carbon is unique among the elements of the periodic table because of the ability of its atoms to form strong bonds with one another while still having one or more valences left over to link to other atoms. The strength of the carbon-carbon bond permits long chains to form: Image:General Hydrocarbon...

  43. Biology Vocabulary

    required in extremely minute amounts.\par 4. Compound - a substance consisting of two or more different elements combined in a fixed ratio.\par 5. Atom - smallest unit of matter that still retains the properties of an element.\par 6. Proton - a subatomic particle with a single positive electrical...

  44. Chemical Bonding

    An ionic bond is an electrical attraction between two oppositely charged atoms or groups of atoms. Normally, atoms are neutral and have no charge. However, in order to gain stability they will sacrifice their neutrality by either losing one or more of its outermost electrons thus becoming a positive...

  45. Periodicity and Line Spectra Explained

    Chapter 4 4.4 Periodicity and Line Spectra Explained Valence Shell- outermost occupied shell of an atom (Na and Li both in Group IA both have full inner shell(s) and one electron in outermost occupied (valence) shell. P. 129 Elements with similar chemical properties have identical valence shell...

  46. final chemistryguide

    (30/100) = 5g sugar crystallizes. There are 113 elements, 91 of which occur naturally Chapter 2 1) Atoms and Atomic Theory a) Early Schools of Thought i) Democrtitus = indivisible particles, atoms from atomos ii) Aristotle = matter is infinitely divisible; 4 elements (earth, wind, fire, water) iii)...

  47. The Periodic Table

    properties. 1886- gaps were found; He was right. Henry Moseley- 1914 -British scientist determined the number of protons (atomic #) in the atom. All elements fit in Mendeleev’s table when they were arranged by atomic #. Periodic law: states that the repeating chem. + phys. Properties of...

  48. Science - What Is Energy?

    to know a little bit about atoms and their structure. All matter is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of smaller particles. The three main particles making up an atom are the proton, the neutron and the electron. Electrons spin around the center, or nucleus, of atoms, in the same way the moon...

  49. Biology Vocabulary

    simpler kinds of matter 29. Atom: simplest particle of an element that retains all of the properties of that element 30. Nucleus: atoms’ central region which is made up of protons and neutrons 31. Proton: subatomic particle with a positive charge located in nucleus of atoms 32. Atomic number: number...

  50. Planes and Sections of Biology

    can be converted to energy and energy to matter under special circumstances. Atoms are the basic material of matter. All matter is made from atoms. An element is matter consisting on one distinctive type of atom. There are 92 natural elements on earth (hydrogen to uranium), plus 10 or more...

  51. Physical Science Nuclear Decay: Alpha and Beta Particles

    Physical Science Nuclear Decay: Alpha and Beta Particles Introduction There are over 100 different types of atoms. Some of these atoms are very unstable. Over time, the nucleus of an unstable atom will lose energy by emitting various particles spontaneously. This process is called nuclear decay. There...

  52. Nuclear Power as an Energy Source

    Uranium-235 and Uranium-238. Uranium atoms, and the rest of the elements that are represented on the periodic table, are all composed of atoms. Atoms are tiny building blocks of everything we know of that exists on Earth and the universe that we know of today. These atoms are made up of three particles known...

  53. Part B: Radioisotopes

    Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of energy from unstable atoms. Atoms are found in all natural matter. There are stable atoms, which remain the same forever, and unstable atoms, which break down or 'decay' into new atoms. These unstable atoms are said to be 'radioactive', because they emit radioactivity...

  54. Nuclear Science

    Nuclear science is the study of the atomic world. In nuclear science, the word 'nuclear' means 'of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom'. Atoms are the fundamental constituents of everything around us, and we ourselves are entirely composed of them.   This means that nuclear science is...

  55. Nuclear Power (Fission Process)

    reaction. Fission is the process of splitting atoms; a neutron causes the nucleus of a uranium atom to split. The nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts-liberating energy in the process of heat. The amount of heat liberated by splitting a single atom is minute. But if we multiply this millions...

  56. Iodine Clock Lab

    another salt if the nichrome wire loop was mixed with another salt and it could cross contaminate. Questions: 1. A coloured band is produced when atom gets excited to a high energy level and is returned to its original state. 2. Cation causes the electrons to become excited and they start to jump...

  57. How Atomic Bomb Is Created

    not only does it have the largest atoms of any natural element, the atoms that comprise Uranium have far more neutrons than protons. For all practical purposes, the one true element whose atoms can be split comparatively easily is the metal Uranium. Uranium's atoms are unusually large, henceforth; it...

  58. Explain How Light Is Produced Using the Quantum Mechanical Model

    mechanical model. When an electron in an atom transitions from a higher energy state to a lower energy state it gives off energy in the form of photons (light). The quantum mechanical model is the modern description of the behavior of electrons in atoms. It estimates the probability (90%) of finding...

  59. hi people

    electrons are transferred between atoms. • First ionization energy tends to decrease from top to bottom within a group and increase from left to right across a period. • Cations are always smaller than the atoms from which they form. Anions are always larger than the atoms from which they form. • In...

  60. No file

    combine in all sorts of different ways, making up compounds that have very different properties. The force that holds to atoms together in a compound is called a chemical bond. Why do atoms bond? Because they want to obtain stability by having 8 valence electrons (the octet rule). One way to create the...