Free Essays on Legalize Marijuana

  1. Legalize It: Marijuana

    Legalize it First of all, people should have the right to choose what they want to do. Our free will should enable us to smoke weed if we want. The government only has a right to limit the choices of an individual if their actions are a danger to someone else. But this does not apply to marijuana...

  2. legalization of marijuana

    Legalization of Marijuana Since the 1930’s legalizing marijuana has been an ongoing dance for some time now. Marijuana is also known as cannabis, THC, and herbs. The government classified marijuana as a schedule 1 type of drug. This means it has a potential...

  3. Medical Marijuana

    company name] | Medical Marijuana…Legal | Nov 19 2012 | Cannabis, Weed, Mary Jane and Hash are some of the names that people refer to when the talk about marijuana. Marijuana is one of the most frequently used illicit substances in the United States and marijuana abuse and dependence are highly...

  4. Is It Time to Legalize Drugs

    Is it Time to Legalize Drugs? By Gwyndolyn Meeks Course COM 220 Research Writing It is not drugs but drug laws that have made drug dealing profitable and not used medically in most states. Drug laws have also fostered drug-related murders and an estimated 40% of all property crime...

  5. Legalizing Medical Marijuana

    Legalizing Medical Marijuana Medical marijuana was legalized in Michigan during the last election on November 4, 2008. The Michigan’s medical marijuana law, Initiated Law 1 of 2008 received an unbelievable 63% of votes. It actually received the majority support in 83 of Michigan’s counties. This...

  6. Legalization of Medical Marijuana in Ohio

    Legalization of Medical Marijuana The Cannabis plant, otherwise known as the marijuana plant, has been a topic of major discussion for decades. The one true question still remains: Should marijuana be legal? This question over the legalization of the marijuana plant has become a crucial issue. “Over...

  7. Legalize Marijuana

    AJ Riley American Literature Bren Block A Topic: Legalizing Marijuana Specific Purpose: To tell you why marijuana should be legalized Thesis: Marijuana should be legalizes for many reasons, including Medical use, get our government out of debt, and also to Reduce crime Introduction ...

  8. Con-Legalizing Marijuana

    Con-Legalizing Marijuana Background Marijuana is the product of Cannabis sativa, a hemp plant, and refers to the plant’s leaves and flowers. Hemp is a type of marijuana plant that can be used for paper, rope, and any type of fabric. The state could authorize the production of hemp because of all its...

  9. Legalizing Marijuana

    Legalizing Marijuana BCOM/275 July 21, 2013 Dr. Monica Galante Do you know that the United States government spends about 8.26 million dollars annually in the attempt to keep marijuana off of the streets (Moffatt, 2012)? For many years, the United States government has prohibited marijuana from...

  10. Legalization of Marijuana

    Legalization of Marijuana Legalization of cannabis, or marijuana, is one of the most controversial topics being discussed today. Marijuana could be controlled like alcohol if it were to be legalized. Marijuana has never caused any deaths by usage. It is impossible to overdose by using just marijuana. Marijuana...

  11. The Controversial Issue of Legalizing Marijuana

    Legalizing Marijuana has been a controversial issue since its ban in 1937. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States and it is estimated that almost 5 million Americans use it regularly. Marijuana should be legalized in California because it’s one of the least harmful drugs...

  12. Legalizing Marijuana


  13. Ash SOC 331 Week 2 State vs Federal Marijuana Legalization

    Check this A+ tutorial guideline at For this assignment, you will again follow the suggestion to “look at justice through… frameworks that permit careful analysis and evaluation of competing views” (Dreisbach...

  14. Marijuana Should Be Legal

    Marijuana Should Be Legal In the United States Axia College of University of Phoenix What is your thesis statement? The use of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes should be legalized in the United States because of its benefits. I. The History of Marijuana (hemp or cannabis) ...

  15. Marijuana Persuasive Essay

    The Magic J Marijuana it has been used since the beginning of time, by people all over the globe. It has been used in the manufacturing of fabrics, clothing, and goods, and has even played a role in the war efforts of World War 2. Marijuana is most commonly known for its medical properties, things...

  16. Medical Marijuana

    Professor's Name Class Date Medical Marijuana in Society's Hands Medical Marijuana is a legal drug in some states and is prescribed for different illnesses, both because it has been believed to help cure diseases and because it can alleviate pain. The legalization of marijuana has caused controversy regarding...

  17. Legalizing Marijuana

    Kayla Hammond Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana comes from the cannabis sativa plant. This psychoactive drug has the reputation for causing hallucinations, disorientations, and also feelings of exhilaration and anxiety. Aside to the fact that it helps medically it would help out the government tremendously...

  18. Marijuana

    Jose Chavez Eng. 102 Legalization of Marijuana          For decades one of the biggest arguments in the USA has been the legalization of marijuana. The government can’t decide if they should make it legal. Even though it has become legal in some states, it has not become fully legal for the public...

  19. Marijuana

    Legislating Marijuana Marijuana is a topic of significant public discourse in the United States, and while many are familiar with the discussions, it is not always easy to find the latest, research-based information on marijuana to answer to the common questions about its health effects, or the differences...

  20. Legalization of Medical Marijuana

    Is Marijuana as bad as society think it is? Since the 1930's marijuana has been illegal in the United States. Yet, it is the number one cash crop in this country. Statistics have shown that Alcohol and Tobacco are more of risk at death than someone who consumes Marijuana, but yet Alcohol and Tobacco...

  21. Marijuana Made Legal for Medical Use

    Marijuana made legal for Medical use Marijuana made legal for Medical use Tonja D. Silver Kaplan University January 17, 2011 Introduction: I’ll be addressing the use of marijuana in the medical field in the United States. There are many states allowing the use of marijuana to patience living...

  22. Marijuana Legalzation

    Marijuana: Legalize It. Marijuana is a very prominent and controversial issue in todays society. Although many slanderous claims have been made about cannabis in recent history, the societal views are slowly starting to change on the drug based on some resurfaced truths. Unfortunately, these truths...

  23. Outlawing Marijuana Was a Terrible Mistake

    Marijuana is by far the most commonly used illegal drug in the USA as well as many other countries. Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is not at all physically addictive. It may be mentally addictive just like video games, TV, or even eating. What about all the other things that are physically addictive...

  24. Legalized Marijuana

    Marijuana Legalization Marijuana is not a new thing to the US, not to mention the world; it is a drug that people use to for recreation, and also medical purposes. As a matter of fact, marijuana has been around for thousands of years. People from different countries around the world use it to cure...

  25. Marijuana; the Scourge of Our Future

    Marijuana; The Scourge of Our Future “Many researchers feel that the public controversy over marijuana is not so much a debate over the scientific evidence as a quarrel over social values. (Massett 158)” Marihuana has indeed been a long debated drug. The debate revolves around two polar ideas; whether...

  26. Marijuana

    What Should Determine A Majority? “High Profits” on Netflix is an eight-episode series showing a startup business in Colorado just as marijuana for non-medical reasons became legal. A management class had us view a clip from one episode as an example of challenges encounter with each startup business...

  27. Marijuana Legalization

    government has ruled that marijuana is illegal under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) (21 U.S.C. § 811), research suggests that marijuana can have many positive effects on people suffering from various diseases. The State of California has recognized the medical benefits of marijuana and in “2003, Senate...

  28. Legalizing Marijuana

    Legalizing Marijuana in the U.S. For many years I have felt strongly that the United States should legalize the distribution of marijuana. Many Americans believe that marijuana is a “gateway” drug which according to the American Heritage Dictionary means “a drug or other ingested substance whose...

  29. Marijuana Legalization

    Marijuana Legalization I think that the use of marijuana should be considered a threat not only to our families but to our society both morally and physically. There is a growing misconception that some illegal drugs, such as marijuana, can be used safely along with the...

  30. Covering the War on Marijuana

     Covering the War on Marijuana Com 318: Concepts in Mass Media The “war” of legalizing marijuana has been on-going since the early 20th century. Marijuana, also referred to as cannabis, is the most commonly used drug in the United States, according to the National Institute...

  31. Marijuana; Legal for Days

    event has been the controversy over the legalization of marijuana in the remaining states. On November 6, 2012, Colorado Amendment 64 and Washington Initiative 502 were passed by popular initiative, thereby becoming the first American states to legalize the recreational use of cannabis under state law. However...

  32. Legalizing Marijuana

    Joyner English 112 29 September 2013 Legalizing Marijuana It seems now more than ever there is more conversation on legalizing Marijuana with in the United States. Why marijuana is still legal across most of the states makes no sense. The marijuana plant is less intoxicating than alcohol by a long...

  33. Marijuana: Legalize or Deamonize

    Marijuana: Legalize or demonize? Marijuana has been a part of culture for centuries and has even been cultivated and sold by prominent members of American society. I chose the topic because of the political implications that have become an issue within the last decade and wanted to be able to...

  34. Legalize It

     Marijuana, Legal or Not Nina Reno Ivy Tech Community College Marijuana, Legal or Not There is a debate that has been a subject for concern since the early 1900’s in the United States. Marijuana, should it be legalized, is it a “drug,” and what should be done about it...

  35. Why Marijuana should be legalized for recreational use

    Legalize the Herbs Should marijuana be legalized? It’s been a huge conflict of interest with our youth these days. It has become more common in the past few years than ever before. It has been a huge discussion in the United States if marijuana should or should not be legalized for recreational...

  36. legalization of marijuana. Essay

    yes on the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. A recent poll was released on Thursday through out the U.S., according to this poll the majority of Americans agree with Washington and Colorado and think that it should not be illegal to smoke the drug, marijuana. Attorney General Eric Holder...

  37. Legalization of Marijuana and Other Drugs Around the World

    Legalization of Marijuana Approximately ninety percent of people today smoke, or have smoked marijuana. There are several names for this natural plant that is trying to be balanced out in Parliament. Given the street names of “Mary Jane” or “Weed”; the drug is being illegally smoked over all provinces...

  38. the highs of marijuana

    James English 101 May 13, 2015 The Highs of Marijuana Unfortunately, today’s society has been programmed for so long to believe that marijuana is “bad” simply because they are uneducated on the subject. However, for those that do not know, marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a harmless plant and...

  39. Marijuana Essay

    Professor Essay Class December 11, 2008 Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana is an illegal drug found throughout the United States. Marijuana comes from a unique type of hemp plant called cannabis indicia. About 300,000,000 people use marijuana daily it is described as a non-additive drug that people...

  40. Legalization of Marijuana - Essay 2

    Marijuana is the most frequently used illegal drug in the United States of America, and also in many other countries. Some people use this drug for medical purpose, and most others use it for entertainment and pleasure. In the United States, using marijuana for medical purposes is legal in 13 of the...

  41. Legalizing Marijuana

    LEGALIZING MARIJUANA No Government should have the authority to ban a natural product. Abuse of power is more dangerous than any drug. However, in 2013 Marijuana Prohibition is still in effect. For decades Marijuana has been portrayed as a harmful drug that causes horrible long term and short term...

  42. Against the Legalization of Marijuana

    Against the Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana was legal up until the early 1900s when the possession or transfer of marijuana became illegal in the United States. The government of the United States had reasons for making it illegal then, so should the use of marijuana be legalized now? Each and...

  43. Marijuana Proposal

    Marijuana Proposal In today's society, marijuana is being illegally used and abused by thousands of Americans. The ages range from students in the eighth grade through adulthood. This misuse of marijuana is presenting a clear and present danger to the public safety...

  44. pro Marijuana

    Legalization of Marijuana and it’s Positive Impact on Society Growing up, everyone is told that, “Drugs are bad for you,” time and time again.  Now as a kid you don’t really understand the reasoning behind it, but you listen to your authority figure regardless.  I remember being told this my entire...

  45. Marijuana

    In the perspective of America’s war on drugs, marijuana is one of the biggest issues across the country. Which poses a relevant question as to why marijuana is illegal, if alcohol and tobacco, two life threatening substances, legal. The fact that marijuana is illegal is mostly caused by the amount of...

  46. Should We Legalize?

    Marijuana: Should we legalize?   Should marijuana be legalized throughout the United States? This is a question on many people’s minds. With some states decriminalizing marijuana, some legalizing it for medicinal purposes and Washington and Colorado legalizing it for recreational use, some think...

  47. Legalization of Marijuana: the History

    Legalization of Marijuana By Jonathan Hostettler 2009 Marijuana has only been illegal in the United States for the last 80 years and has been used as far back as 2700 B.C. by the Chinese and by cultures all over the globe throughout most of human existence. In 1545 the Spanish brought marijuana to the New...

  48. Marijuana

    crimes.” The prohibition of marijuana has proven to be a failure and a waste of resources. In addition, prohibition has hurt society more than it has helped. Also, marijuana can be used as a medicine to treat many life threatening illnesses. The legalization of marijuana will generate enormous tax revenue...

  49. Why Legalizing Marijuana?

    Why Legalize Marijuana? In society today many people are stressed with all the things they have to perform each day for the standard of living and look for any feeling of freedom from those tasks. In American society there is a rising interest in drugs. It has become a very controversial issue...

  50. Marijuana Legalization

    Marijuana Legalization: Creating a Market Surplus The dispute over the legalization of marijuana is one of the most controversial issues to take place in the United States. Although some states have voted to legalize, many others are still on the fence saying that Marijuana will has been used...

  51. Legalization of Marijuana-a Political Movement

    Legalization of Marijuana—A Political Movement Legalization of Marijuana-A Political Movement --“They lie about marijuana. Tell you that pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie!! When you’re high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well. You just realize that it’s not worth the fucking...

  52. Why Should Marijuana Be Legalized

    Why Should Marijuana Be Legalized? By David Hourani Lebanese American University Abstract Having read much about legalizing marijuana when compared to other substances, and having read much about other issues that cause harm to...

  53. Legalisation of Marijuana

    not hinder anyone else’s rights. The medical and recreational use of marijuana should be a right of all American citizens, as it does not harm the user or anyone else and it has many benefits to our society. The legalization of marijuana would help people in our country morally, medically, and financially...

  54. Marijuana Should Be Legalized

    Marijuana Should be Legalized Globally Marijuana is recognized by many people for it attributes. It has been and still is one of the most controversial and debated topics. This plant has been in existence since this earth was created millions of years ago, and helped humans to survive throughout different...

  55. A Nations War on Marijuana

    War on Marijuana English 109 July 4, 2008 English 109 July 4, 2008 A Nation’s War on Marijuana For many years, the use of marijuana has been a highly debated subject amongst Americans. Maybe it is because people have their own views on the subject. Many people feel that marijuana is a drug...

  56. State vs Federal Medical Marijuana Legalization

    State vs. Federal Marijuana Legalization Marijuana usage in America is a controversial debate, whether it is for recreational use or medical use people cannot seem to come to an agreement on whether or not it should be legalized. Eighteen states including the District of Columbia have legalized medical...

  57. Medical Marijuana - 1

    Throughout the several decades, the use for medical marijuana has increased and received more attention. More recently, medical marijuana such as cannabinoids has been used to treat numbers of symptoms from depression, pain, and induces losing appetite and nausea associated with AIDS. Also cannabinoids...

  58. Marijuana. Essay.

     Marijuana Can I see a show of hands how many people here have ever smoked Cannabis sativa, commonly known as marijuana? I see none of you raised your hand. Well obviously no one would want to admit to a criminal activity in front of their teacher. But why is it that smoking pot is so taboo...

  59. Medical Marijauna

    Medical Marijuana “Until its prohibition in 1937, extract of Cannabis sativa (marijuana) was one of the top three most prescribed medicines in the U.S.” (Cannabis). Medical marijuana may have been deemed illegal in 1937 but that has not stopped states from getting around the laws. “Twenty-three states...

  60. speech outline

    Speech outline BRAINSTORM Marijuana is controversial MJ is legalized in some states MJ is a safe substance (medically) No deaths have been reported from marijuana use Money will be saved if marijuana is legalized marijuana is used to help reduce and fight pain from chronic diseases like...